My sistah from another mistah Tiburon, as you may well know by now, needed a tiny little procedure done today. Since she was to be heavily medicated, and I feared for her driving on the roads (for others as well), I offered to drive her. Yes, my other motive was the awesome pictures this adventure would provide. Let's be honest here. And as for specific details, you'll need to hit her blog for them. This is her party after all.
So bright and early, I mean, at the butt-crack of dawn, I picked her up and we headed northeast to the U med center. Yes, I said U med center. I know, I know, a bit traitorous, but hey, I didn't pick her doctor.
She got all checked in and then began what I thought would be a long wait. She still had some barium she had to drink of which she provided explicit details of just how yummy, I mean yucky, it was.

I was actually impressed that her wait time was very good. Next it was back into the changing area to don a BEAUTIFUL hospital gown. Don't you love how it set's off her eyes nicely? And still, there is that dreaded barium to finish off.

Very shortly after that, they came for her and I went back to the waiting room where some completely random, old people, strangers felt compelled to converse with me. Good thing I'm the friendly type. But, take note, when I keep looking back at my magazine, that is the signal that I am done talking.
I did notice an interesting thing. See how they position the children's play area RIGHT underneath the electric hookup's, including the outlet for oxygen? Shame on you U med center!

Luckily, just as the old birds, I mean kind strangers, were really starting to stretch for things to talk to me about, the Shark reappeared! No worse for the wear. Looking sharky as always. And based on her conversation with the technician during the procedure, I am pretty sure, she was the funniest patient he will have all day!
We hit the McSlop shop on the way home for breakfast (thanks for treating me) and then I delivered her safe and sound back home. I think Adam had been waiting at the window for the last 20 minutes because he was pretty quick to get out and off to work! No disrespect intended, but let's face it, men are wussies when it comes to taking care of the kids. Just.Saying.
One final shot before she got out of the car. Poor girl, I think she could go to sleep for 24 hours straight if given the chance......

If you get a second, send her a well-wish if for no other reason than to keep her awake. I NEED her at kickboxing tonight!
And thanks Tib for the memories!
I'm wondering if she will kickbox you in the head for posting these dazed pictures of her here.
That is a sad, sad tale of woe. Poor Tib! Hopefully she'll be all better in time for kick boxing tonight. You are a good friend, especially to sit there and listen to the old birds rambling on and on. Oh for the love...
Looks like your a great friend....and she looks exhausted.
AWWWW nothing like a true friend who will drive you to the hospital and take pictures of you while you're feeling like crap and looking a wee bit less than beautiful...then post them on the web for the whole world to see...including any old boyfriends and kids from highschool....NIIIIICE...that kind of love just brings a little tear to my eye...I'm all misty. And remind me to NEVER let you drive me anywhere hehehehe! I'll go see how she's doing. Thanks for this post...now we can copy the pictures and use them later to mock her.
In my defense, notice she IS posing..... your right though, I can't be taken anywhere!!! : )
You are a good woman. And a funny one.
just stopping by to say thank you for the care package ideas! :)
Poor Tib. I'm actually suprised she went through with it after all that ranting I head coming out of your phone when you accidentally hit the speaker button and couldn't make it stop. Love ya!
Ok, why have I never been to your blog before..
You are hillarious..
I am comin' back for more.
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