Really, who can say that they ran a 5k on New Year's Eve? Huh? Huh? Well, now I can!
Salt Lake Track Club hosted their annual Beat the New Year 5k race in Sugarhouse park. All day, I was questioning myself. Why was I doing this exactly? Because I can. Pure and simple. Because I can. No other reason needed. Several of my gym BFF's joined me in this act of craziness.
Here' the gang:

l-r Me,Chad,Rick,Tib,Adam
Getting ready. Got my good girls, thermals, turtleneck, lycra cold weather running clothes, fleece vest, gloves, scarf, hat and ipod!

One last shot with my gym BFF before heading out into the cold

Unfortunately, somewhere in the first lap, Tiburon's calves completely seized up. She wasn't able to finish, but crap-a-doodle, she gave it her best shot!

After lap one. Really. I have to go around again??

Rick finished first - you may notice his handsome facial scruffiness. Niiiice.

Adam was quickly behind him. Perhaps a little too quick. Our paparrazzi/entourage (Splenda Daddy), just missed him.
I was quick on his heels (but sucking wind, rather, bitter-butt cold air)

Seriously, this KICKED my butt! However, that being said. Was this my best 5k time? No, but my best time for Sugarhouse park. I beat my August time when I ran there then, so yes, I'll take it. 24:44 - I am pleased.
And then the ever cheerful Chad rounded it up. Love that dude. He ALWAYS comes in smiling. 6 feet 2 inches of pure inspiration.

As we crossed the finish line, they handed everyone a plaque (see above). Lame, but hey, it was something.
Then the Erickson's and the Catmull's headed to ghetto Denny's for some Grand Slamming breakfast!

I laughed so hard, I think I peed a little.
Great night!
Glad I ran at midnight in the wintery cold? yes
Do it again next yeat? nope.
But I can say I did it at least once. And since you get one life, that is enough for me!
You rock. You and Tib are seriously my heros.
Oh and niiice plaque!
You guys are awesome!! Congrats on not dying.
I love ya, but seriously - cuckoo to go running at midnight in the freezing cold. I'm just sayin'...
I still think that you and Tiburon rock, though!
Way to go, Girl! I'm impressed. And I'm even more proud of you guys that you went to Denny's afterward and weren't all, "Oh, I couldn't possibly eat something fattening. I'm a RUNNER." You're so cool.
What a night. One I will remember forever. Mostly due to the look on Splenda Daddy's face while we were chatting in Denny's. I think we may have scarred him.
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