SEE?? Now aren't you all just a tich disappointed? Admittedly, they are cute little brown numbers, but in no way are they "hooker heels". Are they?!?
My friend Karen suggested I get you all to send me a picture of YOUR favorite "hooker heels" (from your own closet!). Maybe even I'll throw a little contest together and we'll vote our favorite "hooker heels". Send a pic my way and we'll see what we come up with.
Hahahahaha! THESE are hooker heels!?!? Well, I'm the biggest whore of them all, I guess.
Those are the kind of shoes I wear if I'm being boring around the office.
I stopped wearing heels when i was pregnant with my first child because I kept tipping over.
Melissa ... love the heels ...you go girl!! Dawnelle :)
Tib is a boob. Those aren't hooker heels. I was expecting those clear bottomed ones that fish can swim in.
I'd so be all over a hooker heel contest. I'll have to look thru my shoes and see what I can find.
Those aren't hooker heels. I think the drugs were affecting Tiburon's brain.
Saw a link to this story on Martha's blog...and thought I was in for a Juicy story! After living 9 years in Vegas.....those are Definitely NOT "hooker heels!" Great blog, fun read! ~♥ Cadance
No way. Brown is not a hooker color. I take back every bad thing I said about you and your shoes.
Those are totally not hooker heels!
I think I may just have to go out today and find some REAL hooker heels.
Just for fun.
I agree, those are pretty tame as far as heels go, but they are lovely!
I just clicked over because I liked your comment on Mina's blog.
Where have you been and why haven't I been reading you all along?
By the way, I don't even own a pair of heels. I'm 6 feet tall and I come thisclose to towering over my husband. I kind of wish I owned a pair of hooker heels though.
In my defense I was drugged up and they were mostly under her jeans.
I just saw heels poking out.
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