Saturday, December 27, 2008

Biggest Loser - round 6 via Shark Bait

Hey all my virtual and real life friends - all two of you!
If you're interested in losing some weight and making some money, have I got the contest for you!
Tiburon over at SharkBait (coolest shark I know) is conducting round 6 of the biggest loser. Click here to hit her blog and get the details!

I won't be participating, since there is NO WAY I can win, and I only do contests if there is a chance I could win, but I would love to say that one of my besties did! Go on, you know you want to, and you just need the incentive.
If you get signed up, let me know so that I can continue to offer my encouragement!



kimberly said...

I'm gonna do it! Wish me luck. I know I won't win, but I am hoping it will be good motivation to get into shape.

Lewis Clark said...

This is very cool that people are getting money on weight loss. This might motivate so many people to lose some weight and reduce it fast. It might turn on to be the biggest weight lose challenge.