My weekend thus far - and again, it's only half way over.
Friday: Since Tuffster wasn't interested in the same kind of hanging out as I was, I basically took the day off for nothing. Well, maybe not completely nothing. I did get all caught up on my reader, all caught up on facebook and learned a very important thing about my granddaughters now former nickname. After learning such tidbit of wisdom, I decided I JUST NEEDED TO BE WITH HER. Our first stop was to get her hair cut. You should have seen the poor girls face at the salon when I asked her if there was anything we could do to fix the bang mess. Nope. Nothin. Maybe a little layering and minor blending. Wish I had a picture, but I was too busy wrestling her, attempting to hold her still and listening to her scream "OWIE! OWIE! OWIE!" Such.Drama. And when it was all over, I had to fork over 15 bucks for what looked like nothing with her hair had changed. *sigh*
The next stop was to the mall to get her ears pierced. Again, wish I had a picture. However, all the people who happened to stop in their tracks and watched me hold a two year ear in a full-on headlock while two HEAVILY pierced teenagers attacked her with their piercing guns got a visual they are likely not to ever forget. And the people at the OTHER END of the mall heard enough to know that venturing down to our end was probably not going to be a good idea. This time, though, her screams lasted less then 5 minutes. Not long at all considering. She did give the stink eye to both above mentioned teenagers and when waving 'bye-bye', pretty sure I saw her chubby little middle finger come up all by itself.
We decided to get the grocery shopping done since Saturday's are hectic, Sissy was already a little tired, but she stuck it out.

I finally got her to pose for some pictures to show her "pretty ears". She still hollers when I clean them, but they look so stinkin cute I don't care how much she protests!

I've got a half marathon coming up in April and have I done any serious distance road training? NOPE. Figured I have GOT to start at it! Got up at the butt-crack of dawn. Actually, before then, 0-dark-thirty to be exact and figured I would run until 7:00am when the lifting class started at the gym. So off I trotted in the freezing cold darkness. Everytime I get running, I am reminded why I love it so! Something about being by myself in my own head with a little background music from the podder. I made it to the gym in time for class, lifted for 45 minutes and then jogged to the church nearby for our priests first region church basketball game.

Our priests have either been region champs or second place for as long as I can remember so this is serious stuff kids, we have a legacy to keep going.
They were fantastic, Tuffy did awesome

and as you can see from the scoreboard, we came away with a W!

Next up? Go drive my running route so I can see how far I actually ran. 9.5 miles. YESSSSSS. I should get more in, but for now, that is good enough. Quickly get cleaned up and toddled out the door to a surprise baby shower for my cousin Steph.

Good times. However, my niece who was there too, was bored out of her 12 year old skull and since I was leaving early, she hitched a ride home with me. She is a darling, fun-to-be-with young woman. She just turned 12 so, YW is new and exciting to her and I dig spending time with her. She hung out til my SIL (and her mom) picked her up. We were just kind of puttering around until.......
the doorbel rang. Seems that a little gift was coming Tuffy's way. He was hoping K would say yes to his invite to prom, but this was the official 'answer'.
A brown envelope.
So guess what we did for the next hour? Chased clues in brown envelopes all over the big shopping district next to our neighborhood. Really fun and very creative! Well done K, and yes Tuffy was pretty happy and relieved that you would say yes.

Dashed home to change clothes, and then Chad and Tib came to my door ready for a scheduled bike ride!
We rode to over to our friend's Rick and Katrina's house. He recently got a job in Denver and they are re-locating there, but they still have some loose ends to tie up here so we still get to see them occasionally. In fact, they are selling most everything in their house, rather than move it, so check out craigslist for some great deals!

l-r Katrina, Rick, Chad, Me, Tib
By the time we left to head home, it had turned down right chilly! Nothing like some downhill and a stiff cold breeze to speed up your cadence to get home to something warm fast! That being said, we rode for 11 miles total, and it was great! I could definitley add more to the next bike ride, I just need to plan a little better. Like say, earlier in the day, and WARMER! : )
Splenda and I went out for quick bite to eat, and then played with the sissy for a little bit. Now I am ready to fall into my bed because every muscle in my body is stiffening up and I am EXHAUSTED. Here's to hoping the baby will sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning so we can get some sleep! And even hoping harder that I can actually get this body out of my bed come tomorrow morning. It might not cooperate.
PS - If you actually read this entire post, which ended up being a novella, you might notice that we now call her Sissy or Sis. Using the name nickname her Daddy has always called her. That other word is getting erased from our memories......
It was cold tonight!
The ears look great!
how do you run like that?
ok, i didn't read the entire post. but i read the beginning and the end- now i think i'll go back and read the rest.
I can't believe you had to take her to get her ears pierced! you poor thing! But it is so cute that it makes me want to get Daphne's ears pierced RIGHT NOW!!!
You are a machine girl. I can't believe you and your energy. Monster must be a really good friend.
I love that you have such great friends too. That is such a blessing. Ears lookin good there.
Have fun and you are going to be like forrest gump. Running mad woman. But don't grow the beard.
Sissy looks adorable with her ears all pierced. And I hope you were able to get out of bed today!
Yeah for the new nickname. She is a dolly.
You are an animal! Look at you hitting the exercise trail like you own it. You go!
You forgot to mention that on Friday night you got to look at/touch my bejeweled bum.
And the ride was fun. Let's make it twice as long next time.
9 1/2 miles....freaking heck robot woman...I'd be jealous but I'm too tried just thinking bout it. Sissy is a cute nickname too!
Ok. If I were rich I would buy you a Garmin. Or do you have one and the battery was dead? No more driving running routes!
The ears are very cute and so is the new name :-)
Did I miss the post about why you're not using Chunchie anymore?
I'm exhausted just reading about all you did this weekend. That scavenger hunt thing was so cute!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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