Friends, friends, friends.......
If any of you knew this already and purposely did NOT tell me, well, I will have to consider removing you from my BFF circle. Really.I'm.not.kidding.
Thank you Selean! I did not know that Chunch meant something very dirty and vile in the Urban Dictionary. In fact, I didn't even know there was an Urban Dictionary. But cute Selean was kind enough to allude to the fact that maybe Chunch as a nickname for my granddaughter might be, um, a problem?
So I frantically call the Shark, who is all knowing on such things. She constantly is reminding me that I must live under a rock because I am so out of touch. I say to her "Do you know what Chunch means in the Urban dictionary?!!?! What is the Urban Dictionary"???!! Tib kindly stops what she is doing, hits the dubya.dubya.dubya and proceeds to read OUT LOUD the definition of Chunch. As she reads, she has to even start whispering so her children don't hear this definition! *GASP* I.AM.HUMILIATED.
What started as a cute nickname related to her chunky cheeks, now has me throwing up in my mouth. Okay, yes Shark and I did laugh. But only because of my blissful ignorance. But now that I know, I can't bring myself to call her Chunch or Chunchie anymore. And really, you don't need to go running and look up the definition, suffice it to say. IT IS NOT MY GRANDDAUGHTER!!!!
So, here's the dealy-o. I need a new nickname for my beautiful, smart, funny, silly, lovable, delightful two year old granddaughter. I am taking ideas.......

oh my god! I'm so sorry, didn't mean to ruin the whole thing for you!! :D I just happen to be an "expert" of all words rude and... well, it sorta stuck out.. :D
Luv Luv
Um, yeah I had no idea! I knew of the urban dictionary but I had to look up the word. Who would of known?!? I'll gladly help you think of an adorable nickname! Promise.
i did know of the urban dictionary, but i did not know what "chunch" meant there.
(and i'm confused by that first picture you posted. what is going on with his shirt? is an alien trying to escape his belly?)
I could have left the same comment as Rychelle.
Knew of the dictionary, not the word... But I live under a rock too ;)
Let me get to thinking on a new nick name!
Ahhhhh!!!! Ditto. Knew of it (I even have a friend who has had some of her words published in urban dictionary) but I didn't know what that word meant til now. Good thing you caught it now.
Not a clue about the word. I have heard of the Urban dictionary though.
We used to call one of my sons "chubbilicious"
We call Max "Pookers" and variations such as
The Pookster
The pookernator
Feel free to use any of the above.
And I really wanted to comment on your Best In Show! We love those movies around here :-)
You two are so funny! When I stop laughing I will start a list of cute nicknames! HEEEEE!
two things---I didn't know there is an Urban dictionary?? and never heard of Chunch?? I don't know whether to be glad I DON'T KNOW, or if I gotta find out --don't you have a "secret" place for us to check on your blog so we can find out? Maybe you could enlighten us each day on a new "secret" urban word--you know, on the secret blog spot. Cute granddaughter --biggest grin --Princess Ginnalot.
Oh man Oh man --Not GIN--alot !!!! forget I accidently typed GIN
I MEANT GRIN......Princess Grinalot.
Heck...I just thought it was a cute made up word that sounded funny....I guess we're all old huh?
Just remember one day, you will laugh about this...you might even tell her! Until then, good luck with the nickname hunt!
How about Chubba Hubba?
How about nicknaming her squirrel for their chunky cheeks? Of course you wouldn't want to call her squirrely. Just a thought.
I didn't know that was bad either. But for how crude I tend to be, I am also very naive. My husband has had to explain a lot of his jokes to me over the years.
Now, I'm going to have to go look it up!
Wow...I had no idea that was a "bad" word! I learned something new today!
Love you sweetie, enjoy your weekend!
I learned something about myself today: Tell me that there is an embarrassing word in a dictionary I've never heard of, and I'll set the world land-speed record www-ing that dictionary and reading every syllable of the definition, including the paragraphical extraction where the word is used in a very long sentence. Like this one.
So, thanks for that.
Call your grandchild DeNae. I've always been partial to that name. And all the DeNaes I know have the same cheek structure as your little one.
ohhhhhh no that's not fun to have to worry about a nickname. why not call her hunny bunny !!
Oh dear. I had no idea! Well, I guess Sissy is a better alternative then.
WHOA!! I would change it to.
I say a nickname that goes along w/the fact that she just cut her bangs. How about "Choppy"?
OMG, seriously is DeNae not the funniest person ever? Her comments are hilarious and her blog is even funnier!
So, I will now be google-ing the hell out of that word. Nice.
(Glad I could catch up. I left a comment on the ear piercing post that I was confused. All's well.)
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