Warning - this will be a bit of a political rant, I am NOT an Obama fan, so if you are, you may want to stop reading now. Go on to someone else's blog and just mark this one read.
If not, then please, by all means, take a comfy seat and enjoy the show kids 'cause Angry Eyes Melissa has a little sumpin sumpin to say.
Most of you know my views, I don't need to expound. I have already vented over his "stimulus plan" but now I just got all fired up again when he visited Camp Lejeune.
The military is VERY important to me. I have several cousins who serve in the National Guard and all have had their turns in either Iraq, or Afghanistan. My BFF cousin's husband (R) is a recently retired Marine Colonel who I love to talk to and hear his take on these situations. I also highly regard his opinion on politics. He and my cousin(his wife - T), are both very educated on the issues so when they speak, I listen.
She posted this great quote that I have now stolen, I mean borrowed, and added here. So eloquently stated:
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out
of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person
must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody
anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When
half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the
other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what
they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
~~~~~ The late Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005
T and I started chatting on facebook a couple of days ago. The day Mr. Obama was at Camp LeJeune and laying out his plan for withdrawal. R was last stationed out of Camp Lejeune so they still live in the area. And are still a part of the military family that exists there. I happened to have the news on at the same time and made a comment about how I thought the soldiers in the camera's view looked obviously handpicked. Her response:
"it was a mandatory performance by a company or two...kinda like squads.. if the rest of the world only new.. it truly is a joke! the bigger joke is most of the troops he talks about are only being moved into Afghanistan. All the cold weather gear was shipped out in January. I find it comical an individual makes campaign promises BEFORE speaking to the people in charge and and the experienced and NOW says he will do it their way... uh huh...there goes more promises... the ones that scare me are all his cabinet members who he will do it their way-- yeah...what change? He is too young, unexperienced, and ideological and heaven please help us! honestly, all the marines I know are bored at Iraq. The real marines want to go where there is excitement..sound familiar? However they need to really think hard on Afghanistan. That one will be another vietnam, mark my words!"
I was then guided to a new website that had an interesting article written. You can click here to read it in full.
But the most telling to me is the picture accompanying the article

I got so fired up, that Splenda had to make his world, I mean C house, famous brownies just to soothe my raging beast.

I feel better. Rant over, back to our regularly scheduled lives. Thanks for listening if you did, and I am off to go get ANOTHER brownie......
I hear you loud and clear. I can't rant right now though. Trying to avoid brownies for the week.
You are so right though. Look up with respect Mr. Obama.
Oopss. Didn't say President. It's hard for me.
Crap-a-doodle!! Angry eyes Melissa after two brownies means extra kick ass workout in the morning.
Not sure I am up to the task...
nice job and well said.
the only thing i can think of as i see, read and hear all going on is - we know how it all ends- it's a crappy, sad time leading up to it- but in the end all will be alright.
just stay on the side of what is right and what is good, moral and stand up for truth!
and speak up as you just did!
i really do like what you have to say about politics! :)
Rant away. It all makes me so mad. Especially having family in the military too, and having lost a BIL in Iraq. I kind of just want to fast forward these next four years, if it didn't mean my kids growing up so fast.
I agree though, he doesn't have the experience and is way too ideological to be running this country. And his cabinet members care me too. They don't live in the real world.
Amen! I'm totally with ya on this post!
Just letting you know that I gave you an award on my blog. Come see!
Obama bugs!
I've just gotta say a HUGE Amen on that Quote...It could not have been said ANY better! It actually sums up exactly what I've been thinking! AGH!
I'm no scholar, but I don't think putting the country into trillions of dollars in debt is going to help the economy...
Sweetie, one thing you need to work on is forming an opinion!
I really know verrrrry little about politics but it's becoming more and more clear that I need to get in the loop. These are too scary of times for me to sit back and be blissfully unaware.
Brownies always make things better :)
Agree 110%!! sorry I also have not called Obama a president, prez sure and a few other words ;-) I sure wish you would have sent me some brownies! Since I am brownieless, I seek a higher power and put a few GA talks together to get me through the next 4 years. "Come what may. It'll be okay. The best is yet to come." I will have add which GA shared those with us all!
skipped. Thanks for the warning. I heart you anyway!
Basing an entire interaction on one photo seems rather silly. Have you ever had a photo taken of yourself from a bad angle, or when your eyes are closed, or when you're making a goofy face? I am pretty certain President Obama did not keep his eyes focused on the floor for an entire conversation. It was one photo taken in a millisecond of time. You're completely entitled to your opinion (this is your blog, obviously), but I am sure this was just a bad photo...
What would you honestly rather have done? I have not agreed with President Obama completely, but I truly believe he's being honest with the American PEOPLE. Not with corporate CEOs, but with the average Joes of America. I think he is trying is best and after hearing from the top economic advisers in the country, he's going with what seems to be the best plan. It may seem ludicrous right now, but this is a long-term benefits and we will only see the fruits of it in the approaching years - not immediately.
yes, we shall see.
have I told you lately that I love you! ♥
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