VERY pleasantly surprised! Great blog! Beautiful family, and it appears that perhaps I might have a lot in common with Devri. Excited to be blurking around her site now as well.
Anyhoo......back to the giveaway. Apparently she makes these cute, adorable tutu's and headbands
and since we all know Sissy's bang situation, the headband is a MUST HAVE!
If you haven't already (I realize that she and I both visit some of the same pages), then GO CHECK HER OUT. And sure, while you are there, enter the contest. Or not. Cuz, Sissy, really needs this one......
I think I must give you some competition on that one!
Sissy would look adorable.
I'm still listening to the video below. Love Jon on this one.
I love these! I'll have to check it out!
Now, I want you to know that I just went through 87, count them 87post on your page! yes, that's how many were in my google reader from your page!
Does that so the love or what?
I love all the missionary updates.
I love all of the Urban words.
I love all the Pink stuff.
I love all the videos.
I love all the things you might have thought or said.
I LOVE it all!
That's some love I tell ya! ♥
I love that giveaway! I feel your bangs pain! My six year old is sporting some self inflicted Mia Farrow bangs these days!
I hope I win this one because Daphne has just discovered dress up. And I have no dress up. See? I NEED to win.
these tutus are the cutest-agreed!
YOu rock! thanks for calling me cool, anyone who thinks I am cool, must have things in common...
I will be bwaaack!
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