Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Aaaahhhh, it's Thursday yet again......

Things I am Thankful for today:

1. I am THANKFUL for our DVR. Seriously, I know I have mentioned it before, but I was like 5 episodes behind on The Office and Tuffy and I sat down last night and I got all caught up. Laughed hysterically at the Golden Ticket! And with Tuffy there to operate the remote for skipping commercials, it was pure heaven! Love that show! Michael, Dwight, Jim, Stanley - all so freaking hilarious! And Tuffy laughing with me, is the BEST!

2. Speaking of Tuffy, I am THANKFUL for Attendance Policy/School. HAH! See, in our school district they have a strict attendance policy. You are allowed ____ number of tardies and/or absences and if you go above your threshold, you get a NG (no grade) for the class until you go to attendance school to make those up. Attendance school is basically a supervised study time either before or after school. The kicker is the kids have to PAY to attend! Each session counts for ____ time towards their tardies and absences. It usually takes a session or two to get themselves covered. Now Tuffy doesn't have a huge problem, but sometimes he's late, and oh, I don't know, the "teacher just didn't see him" and gets marked absent (really??). Well, sorry suckah, you get to pay for that one! Not only do I get a kick out of knowing he's forking over his own money, but it's great that he actually then takes the time to DO HIS HOMEWORK!! Don't get me wrong, the Tuffster is a GOOD kid.... but this really is a cool thing. And, PS - I am Thankful that they didn't have this when I was in high school. I would have gone broke and/or not graduated. : )

3. I am THANKFUL that I am not one of the ex-LDS writers that contributed to Sunday night's episode of HBO's Big Love. Just saying....

4. I am THANKFUL for my good BFF the Shark. Why am I particularly grateful for her today? See, the great white one has been under the weather, and not attending the gym. WHA?? How am I supposed to get my work out on, when she is not on my right? Really! Aaaannnndd, she allows me to tell her daily "kwitcherbitchin"..... I have had NO ONE to harass. I miss her. It makes me realize how thankful I am that she is a regular gym rat and tolerates my dorkiness. Get better, Tiburon, and come back to the friendly seas which we refer to as the gym. Or in my words, the mother-ship!

5. I am THANKFUL that tomorrow is Friday. 'Nuff said.

What are you thankful for today?


Kristina P. said...

What city do you live in? If you live in Sandy, tell him that Sandy PD LOVES to get kids for truancy, and bring them into me to teach them a lesson so they hopefully won't be late or sluff again.

Karen said...

I LOVE the fact that kids have to PAY to make up classes! I wish they did that in our school district. The kids just skip the afterschool detentions until they turn into suspensions and then they get a free day out of school.

tammy said...

Wow. I'm really glad they didn't have that policy when I was in high school, too. I'm still trying to figure out why everytime I sluffed seminary, Luvpilot would get in trouble for something. He would beg me to not miss seminary - lol.

LOVED The Office this week! I had to watch it three times.

Poor Tib. I wondered why she was so postless lately.

kado! said...


I'm Thankful that when Mhasyn fell into my bed frame this morning it did not require stitches...again...just lots of hugs, ice, children's Tylenol, a trip to the store for new bubble toys, his trusty friend "fluffy" and a little nap....this child and his poor little guy.

Martha H. said...

I am thankful for co-workers who feed into my silliness and don't judge me when I'm sometimes naughty.

Anonymous said...

I am Thankful that Spring Break has officially started and we are not on any particular schedule!

Omgirl said...

A) I am SO with you on the DVR. B) That attendance policy ROCKS!
C) Those Big Love consultants are going to HELL. I would so not want to be them on judgement day. "Yes, God, I know I swore in front of you and all these angels not to tell these things, but, hey, I got paid well!"
D) Get better,Tib!

Just SO said...

That is a great school policy! I hope that Tib gets feeling better soon.

Natalie said...

I am thankful for the Office too. Best show on TV. And I am oh so thankful my children get to go to the same school as Tuffy. Yipee!

Kate said...

I just found your blog and I love it. Your kids are about the same age as mine. I have a missionary leaving in a few months. I am thankful for SO much but mostly family. I will definitely be back.

tiburon said...

Thanks for the shout out.

And I am FINALLY starting to feel better.

I'll be back.