However, I am familiar with other religious faiths that use the symbol of the cross heavily in their forms of worship. My father being a devout, practicing Catholic the last few years of his life, I am quite familiar with the sacredness with which that symbol is viewed by many.
So what I saw yesterday at the Wal-mart begs the question.....

Is it appropriate to eat a chocolate cross? Really? Now, Splenda did point out that it was nice to see something religious tied with Easter rather than the usual worldly bunny and all that crap, but REALLY? EAT A CHOCOLATE CROSS?!?! Somehow it feels, um...oh.. I don't know..... WRONG!
Am I off base and totally missing something or does this seem a little irreverent and sacrilegious to anyone else?
Do share......
I never really thought about it, but Yeah, I dont think I could EAT a cross.
Hmmmmm, interesting. I haven't thought of it before. I don't know, in all honesty.
I couldn't eat it only because it's milk chocolate - bleck!
I'm with Kristina on this one. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
It is a very interesting question Melissa. I don't like milk chocolate so I am not at all interested. But I find it a little under respectful. That's all I guess.
...depends on how many calories that cross has...or how many minutes I have to run on the elliptical to burn that cross off my buns...LOL!...I DON'T want those kind of hot Cross buns! LOL!
I think it is worse to eat the chocolate bunny. That is wrong.
Well, it does seem sacriligious in some ways. But since Christmas and Easter are already commercialistic mockeries of the true holidays' spirit, I guess eating a chocolate cross isn't that much worse.
Wow, what an interesting thought.
I'd have to say I agree with your DH, in the fact that at least they are doing a cross for Easter.
However, eating a bunny, I don't know if I could do that either.
I've never been a get an Easter Bunny for the kids kid of mom. Maybe it's because my mom never did.
We did eggs and chocolate.
Interesting, very interesting!
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