Monday, March 9, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day


E-Mail typically used at work to get out of work or justify absences.

Typical Flee-Mail sent at work: "I have a (Doctor, Dentist, etc) appointment", "I'll be out of the office on (Vac, Personal day, Sick Leave, etc", "I'm taking a Late Lunch.." "I'll be leaving the office due to a personal emergency, etc..."


Aimee said...

Have to de-lurk here... LOVE these word of the days! I'm learning so much... I'm sure to be cooler now!

LOVE your blog... keep up the hilarious work!

Pedaling said...

i would have never known.
once again, my "cool" meter goes up a notch

Unknown said...

LOL - flee-mail, I get that often enough that I think I could work it into my daily conversation!

I left an award for you at my blog, feel free to pass it on :)

wendy said...

sorry I am a little late on this commment ---it should have gone -down, down, down,---there YAY WEST JORDAN JAG CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!

tiburon said...

Fleemail is my new favorite!