Who knew that so many people felt so strongly about stalkers?? Personally, I was contemplating BECOMING a stalker. Not a bad one, but a good one. You know the kind that constantly reminds you how much you are adored, admired, and idolized. That kind of stalker. Now to choose whom I will stalk......... You might get an email from me with something like this:

I realize now how therapeutic all my running and gym time is. I am laid down with some irritations that will only get better with rest. Complete rest. I'm trying very hard not to spiral into a deep, dark depression. But, NGL - it's hard. Very, very hard. Exercise is comfort for me. It's like chocolate to some, or even meth/crack to addicts, so going without is debilitating. Now, I'm trying to find ways to self soothe that are not destructive. Like eating nothing but Skittles. While very soothing to sort and eat by color, it is destructive. I've been told I am a ritual eater. That is true. I guess I need to find a ritual that is a good one.
Speaking of nutrition destruction. I think I am going to take a note from Sher and do a little detox. Monsters - buh-bye (except for race days); Caffeine - buh-bye (except for rare occasions); Non essential sugars - buh-bye (that includes skittles, milk duds (candy in general), desserts except for special occasions.
Hello more lean proteins and smart carbs. I'll stick with my red meat, thanks. Not a chicken/turkey fan, but hey, my other sacrifices will count right? Word of wisdom compliance one step at a time kids.
There is a chalk war going on in my neighborhood. More specifically, my house. What started as love from my YW - has turned into a war between them and Tuffy. And truth be told, the girls are winning. It is kinda fun to wake up every morning and see what they have left behind. Tuffy - I thought I taught you better...... step it up boy. Your getting smoked by girls......
Being on call bites. Your personal life basically goes in the crapper while you are tied to the pager. Yes, we still actually use a pager. I know. Archaic.
Why is it that when Sissy is here on the weekends, I sometimes wish I had some free time. Then when she is not here all week, I miss her like a fat kid misses his sweat pants? Like I don't think I can make it until Friday to see her again?
Speaking of Sissy, I need to post all our fun pictures from last weekend. Now that I have my camera back and working and oh, BTW, I really DID have my memory card. So sorry to the company that I blamed for stealing it.....
I wanna have a chalk war. Jealous. Who will come write on my sidewalk?
I also want a stalker. Maybe you can combine the two for me? Come write anonymous creepy things on my driveway?
But, I like me some Skittles. What's wrong with eating Skittles? They taste so yummy.
What? Sugar is bad for you? That's just crazy talk. (Said the sugar addict.)
OMG! i LOVE the fraggles!!!
i do not, however, love how they used your instead of you're.
I so wish that exercise was a comfort for me. Mine is chocolate. Sadly, you can tell.
I am glad I am not the only one comforted by skittles. Sher is making the rest of us look bad, dont jump on her band wagon! I guess your kind of stalking is OK.
I'm ready to do the no sugar thing again. I felt so much better not eating it (said while eating cookie dough).
Please stalk me.
I need to give up the treats, too (again)... I do so well for awhile, then fall off the wagon. Today I had brownies, chocolate chip m&m oatmeal cookies, skittle, and lemonade. Time to get back on. You've motivated me!
Oh I hope you don't have the detox headaches. Ouchers. Good luck M. Let us know.
Giving up sugar? What? Isn't it good enough to leave out the chocolate chips out of the cookie dough?
Looking forward to some more pics of Sissy, she's just the cutest!
So here is my plan. I will stalk you and learn of your ways to become that obsessed with working out so then I can fit into normal clothes again, and then we can munch on skittles and sip our bubbly.
Seriously though I kind of know how it feels to be extremely blessed but feel borderline depressed because life is just a little out of balance. I think we need these times to tell us that we are adjusting and just need to work on finding the balance.
I've never had a chalk war but I think I am going to start one tonight.
Oh my hell, girl. You freakin' kill me. I can seriously hear you saying all of those things in like one giant run-on sentence.
My teeth hurt tonight. Maybe i should go off sugar, too.....BAAAAAA!!! Oh man I couldn't even keep a straight face while typing that! There's No. Way. I'd be able to kick the sugar habit. I don't think I'd even want to try.
It sounds like a great plan for you, though. LOL
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