Well I am going to have to start out saying that I am sorry for the email last week. I didnt realize that being a ZL there was that much more work, but there really is. In fact, this week went by really fast, and it looks like this next one will go by even faster. Thanks for the emails guys, I really enjoyed hearing about the cabin and what is going on at home. That is too bad about Kasey, I hope that everything good with the operation.
Well I think that I already told you that my comps name is Elder Cuadra (which means square). He is from Chile and we get along great. He is a great missionary!! Our sector is kinda small, but is really great, there are tons of great familys here. Okay, so to help you guys understand kinda what the job of the ZL is, I will compare it to District Leader. The DL is basicaly a coach who helps the “team” progress. The team is the District. The ZL is to help more the missionaries personaly, and in thier progress. We help the DL in the meetings to improve and to make their meetings better so they can help the “team”. We do 2 inter changes every week, or try to at least to help the missionaries. Also, every transfer, the ZL have to make a Zone Vision which is what we want to happen within our Zone. Goals and planes to be able to complete our vision. Part of the vision that we have here is to help the missionaries improve in teaching and being more obiente, so every Friday, we are calling it Holy Friday, we get together as a Zone to do practice and we capazitate the missionaries. In our Zone there are 6 sectors and 12 missionaires. Sometimes to help missionaries, we do studies with them, We just kinda show ip at their house and we study something of PMG with them, or whatever their need is. The first week we studied with the two DL and this week we are going to a little village called Paillaco to study with the missionaries there. Ill tell you one thing is for sure. Its impossible to worry about ones self as a ZL. All day your thinking about the missionaries in your Zone, and the investigatores. Apart of all this that you do (there is more) we have to be an example with our sector, working the hardest and always helping the missionaries. This is kinda why the other week my email was short.
Things are going great here in the mish. I got 19 months now and I am kinda sad that time is going by. Glad, but sad at the same time. Gives me a motive to work even harder. I will try to get another pic out next week. Sorry guys for losing the Debit Card, I was kinda in a hurry and when I went to take out money, I accidently left the card in the ATM. I hope that it is not too much trouble.
It is very cold here. I am sleeping with two hoodies and sweats. It hasnt rained that much here so that is kinda good. They have here a Mc Donalds and I think that I am going to get a Bic Mac today after using the comp. I am kinda short on money but I think that ends will meet. Well, I guess that they will have to haha. Here is a facebook update:
Bueno, saludos a todos. Quisiera informarles un poco de lo que esta pasando aqui en valdivia. Mi comp is chileno y es de concepcion. El es muy chistoso y nos llevamos muy bien. Estamos trabajando muy duro aqui y esperamos un bautismo en Agosto. Fui llamado comp Lider de Zona y hay mucho trabajo. Hace muchisimo frio aqui y creo a vecez que seria mejor si habia lluvia jaja. Seguramente el tiempo esta pasando muy muy rapido y se que antes que me da cuenta, estaria terminando la mision. Es bien bontio aqui en valdivia y creo que tendria que volver despues de la mission a poder a pasar aqui como vacacion. Alguien me dijo que hay un crusero aqui, y creo que eso seria muy genial a poder a andar en crusero. Eso es!! Gracias a todos!! Les quiero!
Thanks mom and dad for everything that you guys do. Next I am sure that I will have a pic! I love you guys and miss ya !
Elder Catmull
What is going on man??? How is the mission going for a?? Sorry I didnt get a chance to email you back last week, there was tons of stuff to do and I barely had time to write the fam. Thanks for emailing me though dude, I was really glad to get it. Just to give ya an update, I got transfer last week to a new sector called Valdivia. They put me as a ZL with a comp from Chile. We are getting along really great and we are working hard. I am still loving the mish dude I hope that you are too!! DUDE, YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PLAY A GAME OF HALO WHEN WE GET BACK MAN!! When I got your emial I was thinking the same thing. The other day I completed 19 months in the mish man. WOW is time going by fast. It sucks that we wont see eachother for a long time. I havent been working out that much man. I am not very good at all to work out in the mornings... I have kinda been a slacker. And about Jesus the Christ... I havent read it yet, I have read some parts of it and it is amazing, but the whole time, there is no time for me at all to do that. Chris WORK HARD! This is the most important work there is on earth and there is no other work that brings greater satisfaccion. Remember, if we lack happiness in the mission, we lack diligence. If we lack diligence, we lack love for God. Keep up the good work bro and I am looking foward to hearing from ya again!
Elder Catmull
**I also posted his notes to his buddy, only because of the wonderful words of wisdom he included about lacking happiness, lacking diligence, lacking God. Love it!!
Oooooo that is one kick A Elder.
Kick A in a major way.
Sounds like life is good.
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