Happy 4th of July!!! Just to let you guys know I am writing from the House of the Stake President here! He has got two comps and we are watching The Best Two Years waiting to eat some pizza! So things are going good here. Its a good way to celebrate today huh? Its a lot better than having to go to an internet place that is for sure.
Good work mom on running! Taking 1st place that is pretty sweet. They have some Rodeos here also, but they are not as good as here. And just as cool, was hearing about the story of you Dad, and tuffy about the golf shots. I do remember about hitting it in the parking lot, in fact, I still have that video on my camera! Ya know, that doesnt happen everyday.
Wanted to give you guys an update about a cool experience that we had with an investigador named Yussette (pronounced Jusett). She is Adventist and has 15 years old. She is really really awesome, and really smart. We have shared with 4 times with her and her mom. I have also helped her with some English homework. The other day we went over to her house with a member named Michelle. She is the Young Womens President. We went and had an inredible lesson with her. We challenged her to a baptism and her eyes filled with tears. She began to cry and she new it was true! Was really awesome. We now need to get her parents to agree and to get the whole family of 3 batpized!!
I also wanted to give un update for Facebook cause I havent written there for a long time. I am going to write it in English and Spanish:
Okay so I am going to give an update on what is going on here on the mish. I have been out here for 1 1/2 years and I am coming here in December. I am in a sector called Francke as District Leader and have been here for almost 3 months. It is a great sector! Its really small, but its great. We are finding tons of news here and lots of families to teach! Im sorry that I cant write to you guys back when you guys writed me, but I do see what you guys say! Thank you guys for checking out here! The mission is awesome! I am with a comp from Honduras and he is way cool and we got tons of work to do!
Bueno, voy a informarles de lo que esta pasando en la mision. Yo he estado aqui por 1 año y medio y regreso en Deciembre, el fin de año.Estoy en un sector que se llama Francke y he estado aqui por casi 3 meses ya. Es muy chico pero es muy bueno. Estamos nosotros encontrando muchas families para enseñar y es muy bueno! Les pido disculpa por no responderles cuando me escriben, no puedo cuando estoy aqui, pero por lo menos yo puedo ver lo que me dicen. Gracias por los mensajes y ver mi profile! La mision es tan genial! Yo tengo
un compañero de Honduras y él es muy bueno, tenemos mucho trabajo.
Anyway that is what has been going on this week. This next week is looking busy so that is a good thing! Have a great week this week guys! Love ya and miss ya!
Elder Catmull
Our ward missionary gave the most awesome testimony yesterday. They really are doing great things and having once in a lifetime experiences.
I love that he's having such a great experience. Good people that kid is...
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