Dear bat-shiz cukoo loon,
Please don't ever take it upon yourself to cut someone else's child's hair. Then when you have butchered it and her mother is crying, please don't have the audacity to laugh, tell her to get over it and then say it's "cute". It's not. It's freaking fugly and how dare you do this to a sweet, trusting, little girl.
Let's not even discuss the fact that it is two days before Christmas, and a week before her Uncle comes to home. And what about the fact that Sissy likes to put pretty dresses on and twirl? Yeah, baby girl, sorry that your beautiful curly locks won't be twirling with you because of this dumb-A woman.
You may take no pride in making yourself presentable, but guess what? The rest of the world generally does. At least folks like us who AREN'T completely insane.
I'ts prolly a good thing you rarely venture from the inner sanctum of your bedroom, because if we had the misfortune of ever meeting again, I would likely slap you silly, cut YOUR hair in some atrocious, un-even fashion, laugh and tell you it was cute.
Merry effing Christmas you crazy moron......
A sobbing, sad Mimi
(I know - right?)
Oh wow...she should be fired!
PS - the scissor weilding moron would be her OTHER grandma. What a dumbass.
Oh no! That is terrible. Why on earth would a grown woman do that?!?!?
WTH??! She just did that without even being asked to cut Sissy's hair? I say we tie her down and give her a "hair cut".
I agree with Tammy, other grandma needs a haircut.
Maybe a reverse Mohawk?
NO WAY! You needed kick boxing today! Go buy a cute hat or one of those thick bows! There is no salvaging that. Poor little sissy!
I have no words. (and that is rare)
Dearest mother,
i regret to inform you that your plan did not work, she STILL doesn't look like you. nice try though, im sure you had your laugh.
i know where you live and sleep, i'll be sure to come prepared with the clippers.
lots of love,
from your daughter
mail the letter.
My mouth literally dropped open. That is CRAZY!!
poor sissy!
that is just pure crazy.
There are so many cute hats these days. Go buy sissy something darling, tell her it's her princess hat, and let her twirl away.
And this is a good chance to teach her that hair grows, and that it's NOT what makes her beautiful.
Spin this one right, and Sissy could come away with a much more solid identity about who she really is.
Good luck, and Merry Christmas!!
Oh my hell...
What the crap? Is the other Grandma blind? Or just retarded?
While I agree with DeNae, I can say that she crossed a line.
WHoa!!! now I understand why her bangs were so freaking short in the last hair cut post...I was trying to figure that one out!!! Oh...wow! Looks great now..thankfully!
I still can't believe her!!!
holy shtzki! See what happens when you read backwards. Holy crapola, I was reading the other pic post with the wet down before the cut. I don't even know what to say. My jaw is still dragging on the ground.
Goodness. Look what the crazy lady did. Not good.
She needs a spanking!
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