I promised myself NO whining, complaining or being a general Debbie Downer in today's post. If I succeed, I get to have some milkduds.
MLB playoffs have begun. Do you KNOW how happy that makes me? SYTYCD be damned, the Yankees are playing right now!
And right now, they are up 4-2 in the bottom of the 5th inning. After last year's 0 playoff showing, I am more than excited about this year's October season. It will help soothe me into fall.
Okay so they are up now 6-2. Homerun by Matsui
It's getting chilly around here now. I am warming my rice bag more often and added an extra blankie to the bed. Fall means winter is coming. Winter means Christmas is coming. Christmas coming means that it will soon be AFTER Christmas and perhaps the first of January. Which means my missionary will be home. It's coming up fast and I'm dang glad about that!
Pinstripe baseball uniforms are HOT! They look so much better than plain gray ones. Just sayin....
Just when I thought I couldn't love my Splenda Daddy anymore....he goes and does something that makes my heart grow even more. I found out last night that he has fasted not once this past couple of weeks, but TWICE, for me. There are no words. The man is one of a kind and I am blessed beyond anything I deserve.
Lyrica makes me loopy. I think I walked into the wall more than 7 times today. Like a lot of times. And when I sit on the potty, I sort fall screwy. I think we should rename it Loopyica. I think I am on to something.
It has also destroyed any filter between my brain and my mouth. At least whatever remained of one that might have once been there. I think my boss would like me to wear duct tape to staff meetings.
Why does the NY logo make me twitterpated?
The block I had yesterday that was so fantastic? Well, it was. However, I learned as I spoke to my doctor tonight that it doesn't take care of the pain of the stress fracture, it only works on the CRPS nerve stuff. I discovered that first hand today. (That's not a downer right? I still get milkduds?)
Splenda Daddy went in this afternoon for his 6 month check on his early onset emphysema. Fantastic news! No changes in his pulmonary functions tests. Which means the condition is stable. Doc did recommend getting the H1N1 vaccination. WOW - we were a little stunned. We picked his brain about the swine flu, the immunization and what was happening with it. We came away pretty enlightened. The doc is getting his shot. I am re-thinking my vehement no.
In the background I am hearing Sean Hannity talk to Michael Moore. Ridiculous. Michael Moore is a friggin idiot. He is successful purely because of capitalism, but then makes a movie bashing it, but at the same time, he is making money from it, which in the end is capitalism. I haven't heard him give one intelligent, reasonable answer to any of the questions. Michael Moore - you suck. Just saying......
Time to turn off Hannity and let me listen to the game again. And while Sabathia's pants look a little silly being so baggy,(what's up with the jockey pants look?) he is seriously rockin the ball and gettin the job done, so dude, keep at it. Silly pants and all!
And now, I made it. I'm ready for some milkduds......
That's great news about Splenda Daddy! And what a great guy that he's fasted for you.
I am so seriously disappointed in you.....Yankees? Go Red Sox! See ya in the playoffs!
laughing at you and with you ... share the loopyica... i want me some of that...
detest michael moore. hate that he and i share a last name but thankfully are not related.
now i want milk duds.
nice job!
enjoy the milkduds!
love the header.
What a great guy that Splenda is.
I'm sending you some milkduds.
Love wrambly and loopy Wissa. And the Yankees. And Milkduds.
I hope you get to feeling better very soon. SO cute that your man fasted for you.
I am in no way defending that PIG a-hole douchbag michael moore... but I saw him on Leno a few weeks ago and his movie isn't about regular type of Capitalism. It's more about the type that is being controlled and manipulated on wall street and by the zillionaires that took millions of dollars from the bailout money - like citibank. He went after the people I deem as crooks. He supports most average capitalists that are making a buck honestly.
I hope you enjoyed those Milk Duds! I hate feeling Loopy. Will remember that about Lyrica if I ever need to take it.
ANd WOO on the mish coming home so soon. So very cool.
your night sounded like ours too....a little Fox news...then Yankees. They WON!!! I know...we always laugh at Sabathia's pants...last night they looked like "hammer-pants" from the '90s!
way to kick of the play-offs!!!
I can't handle sports on TV, but I love all the live stuff. 'Specially the baseball. Mmm-hmm. And those boys need the mid-calf pants, none of this disgusting to-the-ankle stuff.
Michael Moore is disgusting, too.
Forget the milk duds. Staring at A-Rod and Jeter's thighs in pinstripes is enough sugar for me. Mmmm....
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