I meant to choose the winner for the Alphabet Soup giveaway yesterday, but I got distracted watching the Olympics and napping.
Today, in light of it being a holiday and all, I figured was just as good.
Being the techno guru that I am, the winner was chosen in a highly technical fashion.
1. I wrote down everyone's name on a little piece of paper.
2. I put them in a bowl.
3. I didn't blindfold Slenda Daddy and spin him three times, I was a little afraid of him getting sick. Too many Valentine's cookies you know - wait that was me.
4. He very carefully drew out a piece of paper and read the winner's name.
Yippee! Congratulations Laurie- if you can just email me your mailing deets, I'll get it out the door.
Thanks everyone for playing and remember if you live in or near the SL Valley and want your own copy - signed by the author, you can find her at the West Valley Costco on Saturday from 11-4. Tell her I sent you, or come say hi to me there!