Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey Trot 2012

I don't remember how it all happened, but we were sitting around the dinner table one night when Luke was home.  I was talking to his friend Mindy about her half marathon and running in general.  Next thing I know we are all agreeing to do a 5k on Thanksgiving morning.  ALL FOUR OF US!

Since Luke lives in Utah County, he wanted one close to where he lives.  I remembered the one I had done with my Young Women a couple of years ago and well.....bada boom bada bing!  Done.  Registered.  Good to go!

I didn't realize until a few days ago, that it is actually put on by a competitor specialty running store!  Gah!  Sorry boss - I had no idea!  Too late - money paid, commitment made.

Mindy met us at about 7am and after waiting on a dawdling Splenda Daddy, we headed to American Fork and the parking lot.

Definitely cold.  Definitely crowded.  I saw a familiar face or two, we went inside to warm up and a pic to start off with.

Next thing you know, we are out the door, at the start line and within minutes doing the slow trot while maneuvering around people.  Mindy passed me right away, but I knew Luke and Splenda were somewhere behind me.

Fell into a nice cadence once the crowd thinned out and then settled in to enjoy the quick run.  The course was basically winding around the massive shopping center parking lot.  Flat, lots of turns, plenty of people, the sun was shining, and temp was perfect!  About halfway through, Luke came up behind me and passed.  He had taken his jacket off and was carrying it while he was running.  I backed off a little simply to watch his gait cycle as he ran (nerd, I know) and after seeing that he looked great in the shoes he was in and noted his strong stride, I decided to make it easier for him by taking his jacket. I picked it up, sprinted until I reached him, grabbed his jacket and then backed off.  Waaaaay off.

I watched my Garmin only to look at my pace and see how I was doing compared to how I was feeling. All good.  All the time!  I could tell that I didn't have much in my tank to begin with since usually at mile 3 is when I really start to feel great and remember why I love to run so much but today was the opposite.   I was feeling tired, legs achy, and clearly no calories to draw any energy from.

Please to see the finish line and the time of 27 minutes and some change.  Sweet!  Not bad!  I looked ahead and saw Luke and Mindy just a people apart from each other so they finished very close to the same time.  After I turned in my bib bottom and got my raffle ticket, I found the kids and told them I was going back for Dad.

Having the little break felt good, and I picked up a trot again working the course backwards.  I found him and I have to be honest, just seeing him running makes my heart skip a beat or two.  I kinda wish he loved it as much as I did.  We ran together for a minute before I saw more friends and stopped to talk.  Splenda kept going to the finish.
(love me the Mindy!  Funny thing, she lived in our ward and was one of my Young Women about 5 years ago!)

We waited for results, I checked out the store, and watched the littles do their 50 yard dash.  I placed 4th for my age group.  No podium or free pie for me today.  The kids checked their results, none of us were placing so we were quickly on our way back to the warm car.

One more picture in the hideous orange, but cute turkey logo hoodies.

For a small business owner, Don always seem to do to a great job with this event.  Perfect fun little 5k to start off one's Thanksgiving!  Helps ya earn the right to eat another piece of pie!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Good for you for doing that run. I didn't deserve all the pie I ate!

You are so stinking cute.

CountessLaurie said...

You are a sweet mama. I hope you enjoyed your pie!!

Lara Neves said...

I always love reading about your adventures...I've missed coming by.

Happy Thanksgiving!!