Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fireworks.....ASL.......Brooklyn style

So, I've mentioned a time or two about the awesome people that I have come to know and love at my WRC home.  B Moore is no exception, so when he was telling me about his little sister and her video - well I was more than anxious to check it out.

Due to a medical mistake at just 10 days old, Brooklyn lost all hearing.  You can imagine how devastated you might feel as a parent.  Will my daughter be able to enjoy life like other kids?  Ride a bike, sing, dance, school?  I don't know what her parents felt, but I know I would feel like she would be missing out.

Brooklyn proves me wrong.  So, so wrong.  She just recently handed over her title of Ms La Verkin and  is moving forward, but not before this awesome video was produced.  The words, the pictures all sum her up.  She can and DOES do anything!

I love her smile, her dancing, her signing......she hits this one outta the ballpark!  I wish I could instill the same level of confidence and self assurance in every young woman I encounter.  And some of us old ones too.

So amazing Brooklyn!  Super proud of you!  Clearly you are destined for great things!

**feel free to share - wouldn't it be fun if this went viral?


gigi said...

That was just AWESOME!!!

wendy said...

really warms the heart...and just give you those goose bump kind of feelings !!

namaste said...

that was excellent! love that kid's big heart and her fire! wow :)

DesertHen said...

Such an inspiring video! I'm going to share it on my facebook wall!

Thank you for your kind comments on my blog! Made my day! =)

Jamie said...

Amzing, loved it!

tammy said...

That was awesome. So glad you shared.

{Mo} said...

LOVE IT! So Small World Moment- Brooklyn and Brandon's Aunt is one of my good friends and our kids are all friends.... what an awesome family!

Rachel said...

That was about the neatest thing I've seen in a LONG time! I have an aunt who is deaf and I grew up knowing the deaf community and people in it. I love that this girl is apart of that same amazing community that I know! Bring it Brooklyn!!!