Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gastroparesis - PROGRESS!

Yes, I did yell that title!

Stopped the thyroid medication, started a low dose of Reglan (not sure if I will stick with it since I'm not thrilled with the side effects)

Based on the number above, I'm stating it as progress.

Gastro doc in two weeks and continued hoping for more energy.........


Jamie said...

That is great! I love progress.It is not fun at all to not feel well!

karen said...

Excellent! Hope the good results continue!! (And yes, I'm doing a happy dance for you.)

wendy said...

Since I have been busy with my family.....I have been AWOL on blogs and a lot of facebook stuff.
Kinda feel out of touch.
SOOOOO....I went back and did some reading on your posts.
Seriously girl....105...........I am sorry you are sick and have pain.
I hope you are able to get whatever it is you need in order to feel healthy, and do those things you LOVE to do. Thin is one thing (which I fear I will never see again) but to be sick is another.
hang in there.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Get feeling better!
Praying for ya~

Pedaling said...

going in the right direction.
gotta feel good!

Missy said...

Hey, I have missed so much! I am so sorry to read all of this. The reglan rushes food out...
I am praying for you and will be back soon!

DesertHen said...

Yippie for progress! I am so sorry you have this issue to deal with! I have been dealing with tummy issues since this spring and it just ain't no fun at all! =/

tammy said...

Yay for progress!

Amy said...

Good to hear. I hopethe progress continues.