Thursday, May 14, 2015

Festival of Trees 2014 - Raising Awareness for Cystic Fibrosis

I am still trying to catch up on all my posts that have rattled around in my head but figured this would be a good time for this one since it's May and CF Awareness month.  So what if Festival was almost 6 months ago :)

Christmas isn't Christmas unless we get involved with Festival.  It just kicks everything off!  Festival of Trees is a wonderful organization that puts on a yearly event to begin the Christmas season.  It is a fundraiser for our local children's hospital - Primary Children's Medical Center.  100% of all proceeds go to the hospital and it's not unusual to reach well into the 1+ million dollars.

Most CF patients are diagnosed at birth or in their early months of life.  They are generally very ill, very frequently and can often spend more of their lives IN the hospital than out.  PCMC is the place that these children virtually live.  The facility is a non-profit center and will not turn any child away regardless of ability to pay.  It's the perfect thing to support at Christmas time for our local CF patients..

I've always tried to find a way to volunteer my time and once I got brave and did a tree for Suicide Awareness.  You can read about that one here.

This year, I knew that I wanted to do another tree and I knew exactly what it needed to be.  After proposing my idea to my family and then seeing what help I could have from my employer, the great undertaking began.  I had so much help from family and friends with everything from dollars, to time, to decorating, to quilting, to just plain support.

Of course we did a running theme, and named it Running for Cystic Fibrosis.  We had a huge shoe rack with all brand new shoes that were generously donated by my employer Wasatch Running Center

Mindy's aunt made the quilt that we draped over the table, and the tree skirt that you really can't see.  Vendors donated socks, body glide, foot rubs and we used those as ornaments, and in the baskets.  We wrapped several new pairs of shoes as presents under the tree and used some as the tree topper.  Kelley came to my rescue the morning of decorating day and helped me make it cute since I am completely inept there.

I got a 65 purple roses and displayed them on the table with a picture of Mindy and a little blurb I had typed up to let guests see and understand what the tree was about.  
Our runner girl was made out of PVC pipe and huge thanks to Becca and Splenda Daddy for all their help

I have to say, by the time it all came together, I was thrilled!  It was exactly how I had imagined it and now I was just waiting to see if others liked it, more importantly if it would sell and raise the money for the medical center.

Luckily, it sold the very first night at the asking price.  The buyer chooses to stay anonymous, but they are dear friends of mine and all those shoes went to others in need.  Win-Win!

Then of course, I wanted everyone who went to festival to take their picture by the tree
my fake extra granddaughters Amelia and Olivia

Nancy and her husband


Matt & Amy

Hannah and Carter

The quilter extraordinaire - Katherine

Shanna's cute kids


Cute Ella

Chloee and Karalee

And of course, the whole inspiration for the tree....
My Luke and Mindy

It was absolutely the funnest experience.  Yes, very stressful at times hoping it would all come together, but when it was all finished - I was so pleased!  Combining two passions in one - running and raising awareness and money for Cystic Fibrosis patients.  It really was just a cool, cool thing.

Of course, the list of people that I need to make sure I specifically thank again:

Wasatch Running Center and employees
Splenda Daddy
The Shaw's
The Patane's 
Kelley Severinsen
Travis Ferran
Jennifer Hanna and Zynergy Body Works
Debbie Dewitt
Balega, Feetures, Body Glide, and Foot Rubz

As always, doing a tree is a huge undertaking and right now, I have no plans for this year, but maybe as it gets closer, I might change my mind :)

What I do know is that the Catmull's will be there again volunteering our time and donating our money towards the medical care of children, especially our Cystic Fibrosis family

1 comment:

  1. What a beautifl display of pictures and a great post. I hate CF.


Lay it on me....