Friday, May 22, 2015

Eight is GREAT!

In the words of my good friend, the late Rob Dewitt, HOLY SMOKES!

Like seriously - how does time go by so fast?  It feels like it was just yesterday that Jill and I were leaving another hospital after visiting a friend, when her contractions started and we headed to a different hospital.  And then later that evening Corbin introducing us to his daughter.  Seeing him become a father and to watch my husband become "Papa" is one of the sweetest memories I have.

And now look at her.  Chloee turned EIGHT YEARS OLD.  8 years feels like a blink.

Chlo is really into Minecraft, so of course, Karalee made an amazing Minecraft cake.  I swear she amazes me every cake she does.  She shows more and more talent!

The party at Boondocks included some family and friends.  Good times!

Then some LaserTag

Some go carts

And then some batting cages - so fun to see Corb and Chlo taking batting practice

And then of course the arcades that even little Addy could have fun with

Of course her party was fun and I think she'll always remember it, but the big event was getting baptized.
In our religion, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe children reach the age of accountiability at 8 years old and they are then given the option of being baptized a member of the church and make covenants with God to keep His commandments.  It's a big deal.  It's often the birthday most Mormon children anticipate the most.  Because it's a big deal, and we hold the ordinance sacred, there are no pictures.  Just a nice simple beautiful one of my family all together.
(yes that is a neck brace - a different post for another day, but isn't my family beautiful?)

In the few months that have passed since her big day, she is just blossoming into an even more (if possible) beautiful, kind, thoughtful young lady.  She tries hard to do what's right and is thoughtful of other's feelings.  She is respectful and loving to her parents and is a sweet cousin to Addy.  I really can't imagine our family without her and every day, we express gratitude for her.

Happy Birthday Chloee!!  Eight IS really great!


  1. 8 is always a favorite birthday of mine.

  2. Aw these pictures are so cute and adorable. This post honestly made me smile. These are excellent “progress” pictures. Happy birthday to Chloe!


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