Tuesday, December 11, 2012

mCat's Annual Family Christmas Card - 2012 edition

Since I have begun to get everyone else's cutsie Christmas cards in the mail, I figured it was time for the annual Christmas card and yearly round up - mCat style.

Remember last year when this went out?  Well, the beauty is, I can make a quick update to it, and resuse the same card!  Genius, I KNOW!

So, I now present the special 2012 edition of mCat's Family Christmas Card

(notice our clothes aren't as see through this year.....improvement in the modesty department.  Splenda has lost a little more hair and m has grown some)

And no Christmas card is complete without a wrap up of the going's on of the family right?

So....... 2012 started off fairly quiet.  
mCat joined a pacing group and in addition to several races including 3 marathons and numerous half's, was able to meet some cool people while pacing and racing.

Splenda Daddy kept bringing home the bacon while m hung out at the running store. Although, as of late, he has CERTAINLY earned the esteemed title of SUGAR Daddy.  (Dude seriously is the bomb dot com!)

Splenda and mCat went on their first cruise ever in February and just returned from the Virgin Islands.  Traveling suits them well and they should begin planning more jaunts.

Corb and Kar doing well in SoCal.  Karalee graduated school with her certificate in medical coding and is busy being a fantastic mom and wife.

Corb gathered several leadership billets and medals while continuing work in the armory at Camp Pendleton.   In addition, he was promoted to Corporal (congrats boy).  Hoping this continues and he doesn't get orders to transfer anywhere else.  Keep ya'll's fingers crossed 'cause you just never know with the Marine's.

Chloee started kindergarten and based on her first report card that came yesterday, she is a STELLAR student!  Lost both bottom baby teeth, a top one and a second top one is on.the.edge.
Loving life, gathering all kinds of friends and toys and flourishing in every way possible!

Their family was able to come home this summer and be sealed as a family in the Salt Lake Temple.  One of the best days of our family's life!  We are grateful for and would like to bear our testimony of skype, flexible work schedules for Splenda and sky miles.  So excited when next year we will be able to say they could be coming home the NEXT year.

Luke moved to a new apartment in Provo and has a cousin as a roommate.  Still attending UVU (finals this week) and dating.  Wouldn't mind if this kid had a wedding on the agenda for 2013, but also completely secure in his choices.  He's good people that kid! Love when he comes home on the weekends.

Tuffy and 'Tana enjoyed their first year of marriage and apartment living.  Now, while interest rates are low, they are kickin it here saving up a down payment and hope to be in a home in the next couple of months.  Fun to have them just downstairs, although I am sure they are anxious to get back out. *sigh*  Tuffy has been a fantastic diet coke pimp and Montana is my best Survivor watching friend!

Jordan's weight has stayed steady.  I think she's comfortable in her chubbiness and accepts her body as it is.  (good for her!)
Jack is no longer crazy, but just funny as hell and with Jace here, he's always happy, happy, happy!  That dog is one bundle of personality.
Jace is over his puppy growing pains and has settled into the pack quite nicely.   He seems to love being here.
 All three of them enjoy being together and are the best cuddlers ever.

So that's it.  There were some big events over the course of the year, and I suppose you could look at my blog history if you wanted to read more about them.  Races, travels, sickness, sealings, life........

Looking back at the year myself, there is much to be grateful for.  Many blessings.  Many experiences that may have been hard at the time, but in hindsight prove to be just minor blips in the grand radar scheme of things.  

Blessings indeed.

So what's on the agenda for 2013?

I don't know.......but I guarantee we won't be bored!

Merry Christmas!!


*PS - as always, if you are interested in the amazing artwork exhibited above for your fridge to display with all the others you get in the mail, just click your print button and make sure there is paper loaded.

**PSS - The offer stands as well if you would like me to do YOUR family Christmas card.  Fee is nominal and there is a 10 stick figure limit.


  1. I want you to do my Christmas card.

    i have not done one in YEARS. Mine would be easy with just hubby me and a PB and J sandwich.

  2. Your card is one of my faves. I especially love the coordinating outfits.

  3. recording what went on in your family each year is such a nice tradition. it must be cool to go through old posts and see what you all did. sounds like you're a proud momma and grandma with good reason! nice to see chloe thriving. Merry Christmas! :)

  4. LOVE your card.. Per-fect-o
    It has been quite a year for you as I have followed all your posts and FB stuff.
    I love ya, cause you are the kind of REAL person I can connect with.
    No fluff and smoke up my ying yang, just real honest things that have helped me and made me laugh along the way.
    Every year certainly brings its "surprises"...good and bad.
    I'll be with ya through them....even though I am 1000 miles away. My heart is close.
    Merry.. happy, happy, happy Christmas.

  5. I love you.
    Can I pimp you out to do my Christmas card? I got nothin' baby. Call me grinch or loser whichever.

    I do love how you've grown out your hair. It really suits you. I believe you have captured everyone perfectly.

  6. Hehehe - so cute! It's been quite a year for you all! Here's to the happiest of new ones . . . Merry Christmas!



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