Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Moab 2012 - Got water?

Time for the annual pilgrimage to the beloved Moab located in the southeastern desert of the great state of Utah.  I use the term annual loosely since this was really only my second trip.  Montana and her fam have been going for 6 years or so, Splenda and I found ourselves invited last year, and was thrilled to be offered the invite again this year.  Daddy couldn't spare any more time off since we have trips later in the year, but me, being the part time party girl, was game.  Tuffy also couldn't take off time so Montana and I were officially a couple!!
(view from the front of the house)

Headed down Tuesday morning and after getting settled in the house and dinner consumed, the next order of business was the traditional hike to Delicate Arch at sunset.

(someone kifed my camera)

The hike back was in the dark with headlamps and other than a squashed frog, compliments of Kyle, everyone made it back safe.

Day two was RIVER RAFTING!!

This year we started further up the Colorado in hopes of hitting more rapids, but the water level was low, that there wasn't much movement at all.  Instead we spent much of the time in the heat of the battle of water fights!

It was so much fun and one of the highlights of the week!
And even though I did get a quick 4 miler in that morning, I was more sore from sitting astride the raft.  Oy vay!

Later that evening, I was determined to find the arch that had been named after my Great Grandfather.  Lopez Arch.  It was originally named Baby Arch since it is one of the smallest in the area, but my Great Grandfather Fermin R. Lopez was the first Spanish cowboy and settled the area as a rancher.
Unfortunately, Montana and I started the search a little late in the day and was going off of some directions posted on a blog.

There are no markers or trail, so we pulled off the side of the road into a small turnout.  Climbed underneath a fence and then began tromping around.  Once it started getting dark and we didn't have headlamps, we decided to give up and head back.  Just as I turned to look once more, I saw it!  I can't believe I had missed it before.  I was determined to come back later in the week earlier in the day and hike to the actual arch and get good pictures.

as close as I could get

view from the arch looking back at where I had hiked from.  You can see my cooper waaaaaay back in the distance

View to the south.  I imagined my ancestors here and what they saw and did

Looking at the slick rock I had scrambled over

It's little, but it's BEAUTIFUL!

Although I enjoyed the solo hike and being alone with my thoughts of my ancestors, it made for getting a crappy self portrait

The next day we did a fabulous hike to Fisher Towers

Hunter, Andy, Devin, Noel and Dayton

Okay, they aren't hiking shoes, but my trusty Mizuno Elixer's pulled through for me

Later that day, some of the group went to Ken's Lake and the water falls (see last year's post) but the lake was extremely low and icky.  The falls were cold and it was raining so I just hid under a rock and watched everyone else have fun.

Next day was the Negro Bill hike and Morning Glory Arch


There's fish in there


Rapellers from the arch

Lot's of poison ivy

Fresh water for us to fill up our water bottles

And Dev the brave one with the crawdad!

At one point, in one of the evenings, we did the traditional Indian's ladder.  This year, I wasn't feelin it to clambor up it, but we still had a fun time watching everyone else
Me, Montana, Hunter in the back, Dana and Grandpa Larry Lawrence

The highlight hike for me was Devil's Garden.  It is inside Arches Ntl Park so in order to save the 10 bucks a carload, we waited until 7pm to enter the park.  That meant we started the hike later in the evening.  Great for temps, not so great for light - but hands down, my favorite hike of the trip

Look at the half Christmas tree

No, REALLY look at it.  Cool huh?

And now you can see the storm clouds rolling in.....

The storm got closer

And then we lost all light.  With headlamps on, we turned to make our way back.  Soon, there was lightening off in the distance which made us hurry along.  At one point there is a narrow ridge that we needed to cross.  Picture us sprinting while praying that lightening didn't strike any of us!

We made it safely down the trail but of course, during all this running, I had kept my balance, yet at about 100 yards from the parking lot, I totally BIFFED it!  I was first worried I had hurt my knee (amazing what goes through your mind  as a runner - please not my legs!)

Turns out, just scraped up and bruised.

Saturday turned out to be a quiet day for me.  I was all hiked out.  Instead, I layed in the back yard getting some sun, playing cards, shopping in town, and then playing games with everyone.  Such a perfect last night.

Sunday is check out day, and one of the things I love most about this family is that they make sure to have a spiritual lesson before dispersing.  Dayton did a fantastic job using the analogy of water, and hiking and the need for water to avoid death.  He challenged us to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year and then opened it up for testimonies.  Seriously?  How cool is this?

I loved hearing the thoughts shared, the feelings of love in the room and since then have been thinking about the things we learned and shared.

Got water?  Noel was teasingly called the water nazi.  Didn't matter what hike we were on, if we passed other hikers, his first question to them (after a cordial greeting) was "You got enough water?"
Everyone told him they were good and then moved on.
At one point I thought, what would he do if someone told him no and that they needed water?
He was well prepared with a full camelback and so not only did he have enough for himself but he had enough to share.  And, he was eager and willing to share.

I started thinking about the water representing so many different things.  Testimony, kindness, forgiveness, happiness.  We need to be prepared and stocked up enough with these things and then be willing and have enough to share with others.  On a trail, all the hikers are in it together. Whether you are traveling as a group or not.  Each person on that trail is vested in the safety of anyone else they come in contact with.

Of course, you see the comparison with life.  This trail/path/road we are traveling is not alone.  We have others who are relying on, waiting for, needing our assistance.  And we are all vested in the safety of others we either travel with or pass along the way.  We need to be prepared with the  water of kindness, forgiveness, charity or testimony.  The trick is to be stocked enough to take care of our own needs and then extra to share.

So another Moab in the books.  Thanks Koons, Johansens, and Bill's for letting me come along.  I truly love every single one of you and have learned so much by your examples.  You enrich my life and I hope I come away a better person by rubbing shoulders (or body sweat) with each of you.

Until 2013.....



  1. so many good people, trying to teach and do well.
    i remember the pictures from last year and this time around they look just as fun!

  2. What a great trip! I love that red rock landscape, and the blue skies and wonderful clouds that go with it. Most of all I love rain and the big storms that happen out there - realizing, of course, that it's not a good idea to be out in the open for a lightning strike. Wonderful pictures!

  3. Well put mCat, next year we CANNOT miss the amazing Millcreek cnyn hike with fun swimming hole at the end!

  4. Connor would love doing this trip. Glad you had fun. And I like your shoes. Wonder where I could get some??

  5. What a great trip! Beautiful landscape shots! So cool that you found the arch named after your great grandfather! That half christmas tree is so COOL! Sounds like you had a great time! =)


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