Monday, July 30, 2012

A post full of pictures

I snapped a bunch of pics over the past 5 days with no apparent meaning or purpose other than I saw an opportunity.


Chloee in the car on the way home from the airport - new thing.....meditating

A spectacular sunset 

Pure happiness with Uncle Tuffy after a dinner at Texas Roadhouse - who doesn't feel that happy after eating there?

Ceremonial fire and burning of crap

Lovin Aunt 'Tana and Jace

Time spent with life long buddies

The Primary torch run

A shot of Jordan that my DILove took and texted to me.  

A promised gift from Poppa to Chlo

Love notes left behind by these two:

After court. 
Incredibly proud of my kids!

The darn ride back to the airport

The hated good-bye's at the curb.

Thankful for the quick visit.  Thankful for my awesome kids.


  1. I love that last picture. That's how Mia always looks when I'm leaving. On the one hand, it's very satisfying to be considered so crucial to her well being. On the other hand, it's just sad. So I always start planning a new visit immediately! You have a lovely, fun family. I want to have a ceremonial fire to burn crap now.

  2. Just left a big comment and now it's not there... why your blog hate me?

  3. Oh well, here goes: I was just thinking about you and your family today (in the shower no less - kinky? I think not. It's where I do my thinking for the day).... Anywayyyssss, just thinking about how much has changed in the last 4 years since I met you and blogging stuff, and how much your family has been through. Life is damn good right now, aint it? Things are so awesome - I'm so happy for C & K, and little C. She's growing up so much, and is so big... they need to get her a little bro/sis goin' don't they? ;)
    THanks for sharing your life - I feel like such a creeper that I know so much about you but never see or talk to you in person, but really... Thanks for being so open. Love ya.

  4. That first pic of Chloee is fabulous. She is so pretty and has gotten so big.Looks like life is good.

  5. I am glad that you were able to spend time with the kids, no matter the reason they were here. I can tell by the look on Corbin's face after court that things went well. Your family is darling and they deserve to be left alone!

    btw - How do you like those running toe shoes? I want a pair.

  6. m, you look like a teeny-bopper in your pic with the dog! these are great shots :)

  7. I should try the meditating thing. Looks very peaceful!

  8. I just really love your family. So fun to see all the pics.


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