Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Public vs Private

I started blogging 2 and half years ago.  It's been a journey.  I had my BFF the Shark help me build my site and then as I have played around with it, I've added this, deleted that, modified stuff - generally done what made me happy.  It was MY blog after all, my own little space on the www that I could journal, share my feelings, vent, attempt to be funny, share stories and keep my family and friends up to date on all our latest doings.  I made it public, because it is a great way to network with others and I have made some incredible friendships through it. 

It was great during Luke's mission.  The entire family could easily read his letters and stay in touch with him.

It's been fantastic during Corbin's USMC experience.  Not having much experience first hand with military life, it's been fun documenting his journey and I am hoping it will be a fun thing to go back and read as time goes on.

It's been fun to go back and look at my old posts.  Where our family was at, what we were doing and what we are up to now.  My how things change in such a quick time.  A blink of an eye really.

With being public however, you also open yourself up to whatever comments someone chooses to make.  Even with comment moderation on, you still see the writers words as those comments hit your email box and sometimes people are just mean.  Things are said that are hurtful.  A lot of time it feels unfair.  Especially if they don't even know you, but still have a perception of you.  And while it's always fun to see new followers.  When you try to link back and check them out and you can't, that is always and uneasy feeling.  Creepy, more like.  But, that is the consequences of a public blog.

After a lot of thought, and counsel with someone smarter than me, I have made the decision to go back public.  Private was miserable.  In just the short time I was, I lost contact with friends.  No blame anywhere, it's just hard to remember to stay on top of private blogs.  That's the fact.   Blogging makes me happy.  Networking with my friends and chatting via blog comments or emails make me happy.  I don't want to lose that.  In fact, as a human being who is just as valuable and worthwhile as the next one, I think I deserve to do something that makes me happy. 

So, with some mild trepidation, I am venturing back out into the public arena.  I fully expect some nastiness, and really, that's okay.  I have reconciled myself to the fact that people are people and sometimes no matter what I may say or do, their perceptions of me are set.  'sokay.  Just as I am entitled to my belief's, other people are as well.   The bottom line is I can live with myself.  I know who I am.  I know what I am about.  I know what is in my heart.  And those who are my true friends know the same.  I have no doubt that just as I am loyal to my large circle of BFF's, I have many that are just as loyal back to me.  Maybe not everyone, and that's their prerogative, but I know that those who truly matter are there for me.  They are the ones who subscribe to receive follow up comments and then respond back to the mean ones so I don't have to.  They are the ones, who defend, correct others and believe in me.  To those of you, I say, thanks for not sucking as a friend!

And - so here we go............


  1. go get 'em tiger.

    i would be one of those lame reh-TARDS who doesn't remember to keep up on the privates. (love that it sounds dirty!) so this is good news for me.

    i've got your back.

  2. Well said my friend, well said. It's so good to have you back :)

  3. I'm glad your blogging makes you happy, because your blogging makes me happy too!
    Can't let the negs win. You win with your attitude and yes many, many friends who will defend your heart and mind every time!

  4. I'm grateful your back!!!

    Let's have a freaking party!!!!
    Sorry.. I just used the F word.

    I know excatly what you mean.. and hopefully the mean will stay away. If not.. I do know a girl that gets lots of mean comments so she has someone else moderate them so she doesn't have to see them. There is a thought too!

  5. Yay!!! Welcome back! Crazy, I was just thinking about you this morning....looking forward to catching up :)

  6. Yay! I am so sorry some people are sucky enemies. It is disturbingnthat there are those who think they are the CEO of perfection.

    Hugs and so glad to be able to easily read you again!

    I am with Ann.......lunch!

  7. We've got your back. And your front.

  8. yay! yay! yay!
    i missed you!

    i sucked at remembering to check your blog.

    good to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Glad you're back since I was one of the super-lame ones who forgot to stop by. Sorry.

  10. I'm glad you are public again. I missed your blog while I was not able to access it. I'll try not to leave such mean comments in the future.

  11. I'm glad you are back from privatville. I tried to log in to your blog the other day and it wouldn't let me. I like your perspective on life and on things. I am so sorry that you are still crying every day, but I know that the grit and determination you have inside will more than make up for everything you are going through right now! Hang in there--lots of people are cheering you on!
    And by the way, what half marathon are you running next month? Is it Thanksgiving Point?

  12. I missed this yesterday. I am so so glad to see that you are back. I missed you (even though I don't really know you)>

  13. Yeh!!!!

    Your a wonderful blogger, and your posts make people smile. I love that it can be whatever we want it to be depending on the kind of day we are having.

    Mine is definitely a journal for me right now. I have 3 other blogs that I do as well.(I know crazy)

    can't you monitor the comments to keep the uglies away?

  14. Sorry I stunk at visiting...

    I think you are very brave and strong and will conquer!!

    Hey loser who picks on MCat, crawl back in your hole, deceiver! You have NO power here.


  15. Cute post - I think every blogger goes through the ups and downs of blogging (Why do I do this! I don't REALLY have time for this! No ones reads any of this . . .) But I also love looking back over the years and remembering, and I'm so glad it's there even if it's only just for me!

    But somehow I think someone out there appreciates it also, you never know when you're going to really touch someone at just the right time.


  16. Yes! I'm so glad to see your posts show up in my Reader. Mean people can just suck it, and you can count me as being in your corner.

  17. Well I'm happy you are back ;-) and hope those with rotten agendas stay away from your blog for good!


Lay it on me....