Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chloee's birthday party - part III

Pure journaling purposes here - the big party!

Since she had a green anaconda on her other birthday cake, she wanted a lizard, shark and snake on this one.  The baker couldn't pull it off.  So a plain cake + some squishy animals, and voila - you get a happy little 4 year old birthday girl!

We started with some pizza

Karalee chattin it up and hanging with the girl!

Splenda Daddy bringing more food

Chloee picking at her dinner.  She doesn't even like pizza.  She would have been happy if we served peanut butter and honey sandwiches

Seeing her cake for the first time

Mikayla and Liam checking out the cake

Present time

that is not a sad face, not sure what that is, a candid shot to be sure

Karalee keeping notes so we can do thank you's later - not easy for a 4 year old to understand the necessity of, nor maintain the attention span to sign her name, but muy importante lesson to learn.

And finally the cake!

Girl loves desserts - especially chocolate

Cake is a hit with all the kids except maybe Vincent?  What could be drawing his attention away?

And then it's time for the pool!!
Chloee and Alivia

MIkayla and Chloee

and with Amelia

I love this cute pic with Chloee and Isley

The parents were clearly enjoying themselves waaaaaayyyy too much.  It was a freaking sauna in there and we were all sweatnig like pigs.  And of course, the Shark is on her phone.

Poppa is the fun one!

I think they kinda had fun - don't you?

The 5 minute break.  So cute to see most of them all sitting next to each other waiting for the whistle signaling that they can go back in.

But wait - there's more!

Top 10 lesson's learned from hosting a large birthday party

1.  Good call on doing it somewhere that is NOT at home.  18 kids?  Running around my house whilst we try to entertain them?  No.  The Rec center swim party was most def a good idea

2.  Don't attempt to lift your granddaughter up to see her cake.  Ask for help.

3.  Invite your besties so that they will help you get all the fun gifts put away, and get you out of the room before someone comes to kick you out.

4.  The value of RSVP'ing is NOT underrated.  Do it.  Do it EVERY TIME.

5.  Kids + water = F.U.N

6.  Watching preschoolers having a great time is more fun than you think.  Their smiles, laughs and splashing is a kick in the pants

7.  Meeting and getting to know some of the kids and parents from school better  - totally awesome.  There is such diversity that it just confirms our decision to put her in Challenger. There has been nothing but good come from her experiences there.

8.  When Splenda Daddy tells you that you only need 3 extra pizza's,  he is right.  Face it, he's right every time (except when he's wrong)

9.  Let someone else take the pictures and you can never have too many.  Thank you Jon for handling the photography.   I would have been stressed out trying to do that, and manage the rest of the going's on.

10.  Providing a memorable experience for Chloee and her friends - completely worth every ounce of energy and every last dollar (of Splenda's).  Hopefully it will be something she remembers and smiles about for a long time to come.


  1. What a great party!! Happy birthday to Chloee! You did a fabulous job! It makes me want to do a big one like that for Ayla next time.

  2. The party looks like it was such fun! Too bad I couldn't watch the video, it said it was a private video, waaaaah.

  3. super good tips...18 kids? Wow, you're either, crazy or brave. Maybe both. Maybe you're just really fun and nice. That's it. I know you are.
    Way to go with the party. The pictures were great!

  4. Awesome birthday party! I loved all the pictures of such fun!
    I know she will talk about it for months to come. Happy Late Birthday to Chloee!

  5. I echo Pedaling's thoughts on the 18 kids. Holy Hannah.

    Could you please teach #8 to Luvpilot, except replace Splenda's name with my name?

  6. this was so sweet! it really is. And that Splenda money bags and smart. You won with that combo!

  7. What a fun party, with happy memories.

    Happy Birthday Chloee♥♥

  8. That's a party she'll remember for a long time, lots of great photos besides!


  9. Loved it!
    It was fun seeing Chloee with all her friends, watching her have the time of her life swimming, and watching her open her presents galore!

  10. Chloee's birthday partyis amazing. The cake is quite unique.I would like to use this cake design idea for my son’s garden themed birthday bash that we are going to organize at most beautiful Seattle venues. I was just wondering if you have some DIY décor inspirations too!


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