Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Tuffy!

It's the big 19!

Okay, so I am a day late, but it's been a little busy - and I did a whole shout out to my baby a few months ago for graduation, but I want to make sure he is a superstar on the ol blog for his BD!

Friday night we did the family dinner - Texas Roadhouse AGAIN!  I know, I know!......our family gets our fav's and then sticks with them!

I just can't him and 'antana to pose for pictures unless I threaten and pull my mean face.....

goofing around with Luka

Trying to get my camera back but Splenda's face is priceless there in the background.  I guess we have no shame in humiliating ourselves and others.

Luka, Me Splenda, Tuffy and 'antana

Saturday was his and 'antana's day.  Not only for Tuffy's BD but it was their 1st year anniversary of being a couple.
Wish they would have carried a camera - but they went to the zoo, a corn maze, and then dinner at The Roof.
Holy cow!!

Pretty cute couple eh?

Then Sunday we did the cake and ice cream while Sissy was still here since she finds such delight in helping to blow out the candles

Happy Birthday to my baby!  My youngest is now officially 19.  That can only mean one thing right?
I am wicked old.

Tuffy - you are the best! 


  1. He is so handsome! Happy Birthday!

  2. HAppy Birthday Tuffy! He does have a cute girl and they do make a cute couple.
    Yikes, I just did the math and when my youngest is 19 I will be so far past wicked old. Kinda scares me, thanks.....:)

  3. We kind of stick to our faves too. Why mess up a good thing?

    Happy late Birthday Tuffy!

  4. Well girlfriend, you look too fine to be old.


Lay it on me....