Friday, June 26, 2009

Pardon me while I vent.......

If you are a Michael Jackson fan and are in serious mourning, then please, by all means, click mark as read and move on, this post is not for you!


Michael Jackson, the self proclaimed "king of pop" is dead. Yep, dead. Okay, whatever, let's move on! I am HATING the love fest that this has started.

I will concede, he was incredibly talented. Thriller is by far the best video ever made. He invented dance moves that I still hurt myself trying to do. His music was truly on the leading edge. He was an entertainer like no other for several years. No argument from me there. I loved him during the early 80's and his prime of entertainment life.

BUT - in my mind, he was a child molester. To me, that trumps talent. Sorry kids, it trumps any amount of talent a human being has. Period.
Now, before you get your panties in a wad and starting formulating a comment about how he was never convicted, get my facts straight, blah, blah, blah.....I KNOW ALL THAT!

He did however settle out of court on child molestation charges. To me, that says something. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all know he is as innocent as OJ is. You'd have to have your head buried in the sand to not get that.

I've heard some say, "Oh, but he just had a hard time adjusting to all his fame and fortune. His dad was mean and abusive. He had so much to overcome." "It's just so sad, really." HORSESHIT!

Lot's of people have bad things happen to them. You either let it define you as a strong, able, functioning member of society, who is better for your challenges, OR you let it define you as a freak. HE.CHOSE.FREAK.

And while I'm ticked and ranting, I must now bid adieu to NBC's Today Show. I have been slowing separating myself from them for the past several months ever since Obama became president and they his first-in-line worshipers, but today was the final straw.

We do NOT need a special edition of a "news" program to discuss Michael Jackson's life and death. Nope, don't need it. Has anyone noticed the economy, Iran, Afghanistan, unemployment (to name a few)? I had the show on this morning while I jumped in the shower. All Michael. I got out. All Michael. I talked on the phone with the Shark. All Michael. I did my hair, ironed my pants. All Michael.


He's dead. The child molester is dead. Done. Now all young boys and chimps can breathe a sigh of relief and for the love of all that's holy, let's move on.



  1. I kinda sorta feel like you do. It is sad...I feel he was very messed up and did some messed up things...I can't bring myself to watch anything about it. The "hero worship" feels FAKE!

  2. While I liked his music, I never actually owned any of his cd's.

    Man you are gutsy. This is your blog and you can write whatever you want. I wish I was as gutsy as you are. I'm trying to work on it. (Please take this as a compliment because I absolutely mean it as one.)

  3. AAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDD...the worst thing Farrah Fawcett could have ever done was die on the same day as MJ. He is trumping her death!

    And what about IRAN people??? Why aren't we talking about that???? People were murdered in the street, but we are focusing on this.

    I'm with ya.

  4. Exactly!

    And what Vanessa said too!

  5. Thank you for putting words to my thoughts. I kind of feel bad for Farrah Fawcett. Michael totally stole her thunder.

    You are a genius! Love you!

  6. all i can say is poor farrah....

  7. I so agree! I honestly just don't care. I know that makes me heartless, but really, when was the last time Michael has been anything but weird and creepy?

  8. I've been back and forth a few times wondering if I should leave a comment. I do not disagree with your post. I just feel that if a parent can settle out of court what does that say about the parent?

  9. I don't think he ever grew up. I was honestly in shock when I heard he was 50. Seriously!

    I wonder if the coroner will determine all of the surgeries he had. ha ha ha

    I am over all of this now. Let's move on to something else.

  10. I was a fan when he was way back then. I loved him in his days of Thriller and The Jackson 5. You read my farewell post.

    His music, talent and impact on the way we hear music today cannot be removed by anything. Even if he is believed to be a child molester. I don't like the Michael Jackson that died yesterday. I like the one that he used to be. YEARS AGO. However, he is an icon to many people and just like OJ people are still going to believe in him and revere him because no matter what crimes they did or didn't commit, they are still either the best or one of the best at what they did and no one will ever compare.

    No offense to the Farrah fans but Michael Jackson is internationally known and worshipped and has been for years and years. No matter what. Farrah hasn't done anything in so long that most of today's generation doesn't even know who she is.

  11. You just summed up everything I have been thinking for the last 24hours. "Enough already!"

    I love that you actually said "horseshit" in a post!!! :)

  12. Standing O!

    And I almost wanted to break up with Fox News yesterday for the same reason.

  13. Amen! It is sad that he died. I hate to hear of anyone dying at such a young age. But do we have to hear about it for the next month?

    The Michael Jackson I loved went missing when his skin turned white, he started wearing a mask and began inviting young boys and chimps to stay over. Who does that? And an even better question...Regardless of what did or didn't happen...What parent would allow that? I don't care what anyone else says, it is just weird. Not normal behavior for Michael J. or the parents in any sense of the word.

    And what about Ed McMahon? He was a decent guy. And Farrah. Where is the talk about cancer and finding a cure? That is something I would like to hear more about!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. melissa, but could you please tell us how you really feel. ;)

    my favorite paragraph
    I've heard some say, "Oh, but he just had a hard time adjusting to all his fame and fortune. His dad was mean and abusive. He had so much to overcome." "It's just so sad, really." HORSESHIT!

  15. This was forwarded on my phone through text.. (not me!)

    When farrah arrived in heaven god granted her one wish. She wished for all the children to be safe. So god killed MJ

    Don't hate me, it was just a FWD.

    ok you can hate me a little...
    Yes, it is very sad. The king of pop never learned about Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation. He never felt the love of our Heavenly Father while on earth. And now, in heaven, he will go to the judgement seat, where Heavenly Father will judge him. not I.
    But the good thing about this is, he Will get to learn up in heaven!

    hugs to you. I wanted to rant about it. guess I just did. sorry for the long comment!

  16. I am *NOT* defending him as a person but he never was acquitted (not quilty) in his criminal trial. It was the civil one that settled. In the criminal trial all jurors have to have the same verdict. In a civil trial only a majority have to agree. Because of that a lot of people settle on civil cases.

    Having said all of that, I would never send my children to Neverland Ranch.

  17. Blessed Are You When . . . You
    Are Humble And You Mourn”
    I hope when others are called to judge me will judge on the side of rightousness.
    Regardless of what you have judged him to do, he is still our brother and greatly loved by our father in heaven. I think it would make your brother and father sad to read your comments. I do not like the media and I believe they want to insite these ungodly like emotions in us all. I just chose to honor and mourn someone who has made a difference in my life. And I mourn with friends and family who have lost someone they loved dearly.
    I also believe just becasue you are accused, it doesn not mean you are guilty and the only person who can make that judgement is our brother Jesus.

  18. Debbi - Michael Jackson made a difference in your life? Really?

    I agree, we are not supposed to judge, but I also know the family of one of the boys he molested. Try explaining to them that it's okay, and we shouldn't judge.

  19. I was an early Michael fan. Back in the day when he was still brown and still had a normal nose and chin and didn't dangle hooded babies off balconies. Back when he was a real person. But he sure went off the deep end. I have more pity for him than anything. I don't feel I can judge his deeds/misdeeds without knowing the details, but I can sure tell you he got WEIRD. Very very very weird. And I'm sad that for whatever reasons he chose to go that route. Such talent wasted.

  20. Amen, I couldn't agree with you more. The fame and fortune-was he really in debt for $400,000,000, or is that just pile of HS, too?
    Personally, I avoid any news except One News Now online, and Fox. Even Fox had too much MJ going on, but at least they ask the questions about Obama. Not that he's answering...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. AGREED 100% Melissa!! THANK YOU! I knew I could count on you to bring a part of this world back to reality!

    I own none of MJ's cds, never really cared much for him tho the choreography was great at times, I gave up when he started grabbing his crotch and everyone else copied him. That was the end for me!

    Bottom line, he was another person, put his pants on like the rest of us, one leg at a time. What I find very disturbing about all the MJ and Obama worship, is just that; they are worth worshiping!!? What kind of society are we? I have given up on the news and media because they have helped create and feed the monster we seem to have called society. I live by the quote "Why try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?"
    love you Melissa!!

  23. I am with Vanessa, how dare Farrah die hours before Micheal. I wanted to see a show about her!!!

    Love the rest of your rant!

  24. I couldn't agree more. There are so many other things people need to be focusing on, one tribute was enough and served it's purpose. Now, let's move on.

  25. He really screwed my husbands company's plans for the Summer up....they had the exclusive rights to rent MJ ALL of the production equipment for all of his concerts while on tour....not so much anymore!! =) LOL!

    Just glad that was not Sean's commission that got taken back...cause I would have already had my vacation booked and a down payment on my new Bentley....LOL!

    Other than that....I want my FOX to tell me the REAL news.....oh yea...and Billy Mays sad is that!! No more Mighty Putty guy.

  26. I am catching up on your old blogs (since I just discovered you) and I think I am going to like it around here. Amen to this post. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!


Lay it on me....