Monday, June 29, 2009

Missionary Update

Subject: Mis queridos padres!!

Hey mom and dad, how are things going back home? Was kinda weird cause this week went by incredibly fast! It would good to hear from you guys.

So I did have to congratulate you mom on the race. Seriously just thinking about running that much, makes me tired. The last Pday that we had in the morning, I don’t know if I told you guys, but we got together as a zone to run at an Olympic Ring here. I made it one time around and I was dead. It was terrible haha. I really am out of shape running. Also with that surgery I am sure that is a good thing. How much does a surgery like that cost?
Sounds good to me that the blands are selling one of the 50 cars that they have haha. I actually was thinking…..if I could buy the silver bullet….. Dad I am not sure if you are going to sell it, but it would be great. When I get back, I really just want to buy a cheap car, nothing big. I know that I am going to need the money right?
I know that its good be to honest with you guys. I was sick for a couple of days this week. I had a sore throat and a fever. I still did go out and worked. It was hard, but it was worth it. I am feeling a lot better know. I just have tons of bugers now haha. Also about Felipe, we cant go and visit him for a while…. He has the sickness that is going around the world that came from Mexico. L We wont be able to visit him for a while and that’s why he couldn’t have the interview. Sucks how satan works so hard to keep people from being baptized.
This is a good thing that it will rain this week. I think that will be the only time that I say this haha. Just cause when it rains, its not that cold. Now that me and my comp both have water proof clothes its not bad at all to work in the rain. The only problem is that it is a little bit harder to get in houses and to talk with the people in the street. Sounds pretty sweet about the bikes dad. My comp always did motocross before he came out on the mish. He talks about it all the time and has some great scars and nails in his body, burn marks and lots of good stuff. I joke with him cause he has had so much crap happen to him, that he almost suffered the Atonement hahaha.
I am working hard here. Thanks for all of the support and love that you guys are showing me. This Sunday we have a Stake Conference so it should be awesomeª Have a great week this week and I look forward to hearing from you guys again

Elder Catmull

**NOT pleased to hear about him being sick. NOT pleased that the H1N1 is there and nearby. SUPER PLEASED that he is a hardworker and is happy. Can't ask for anything more........
I'm glad to see that they clean their bathroom
Looks like dinner for a district


  1. I wouldn't be happy about hearing that he was sick either or that the H1N1 is there. I hope he stays well.

  2. Wow, that damn flu is everywhere! Glad he's feeling better. So hard to be sick when you're away from home. How many weeks until he's home? I know you don't even have to count, you've got it memorized.

  3. That is so scary to have him sick with that flu near by. That bathroom is so washy down.

    I chuckled because when they get to this point, it is all about the car when they return. So funny. Great kid.

  4. that mashed potatoes?

  5. Eek - Elder L needs to stay away from the flu!!



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