Monday, February 2, 2009

Missionary Monday - update

What a difference a week of patience, fasting and prayer make!
Here's Elder L's latest update:

well well well, great to hear from you guys. sounds like things could have been a little bit on the difficult side this week. but i hope that things go good for you guys this next week. i am guessing that you are probably wondering about transfers eh? well here is what is up.....

I am a trainer!!!!! I was called to train this transfer! wahoo!! i am not ging to lie to you ghuys that i was a little bit nervous at first, but that i got my comp, its all good. my companions name is Elder Poujol from Honduras. he really is awesome and we get along just great! it is really fun training! it is something really diferent cause i remember how it was for me to start,and now he is passing through the same phase.being scared to talk to people, struggling to teach. at times not knwing what to say.haha i remember it all. the cool thing is, my comps b day was yesterday! i secretly planned with a family here to eat lunch and have b day cake. it was a suprise for him. my comp was a little bit touched haha and he was truly happy. it was interesting cause he told me that he prayed to the best possible trainer for him, and told me, the lord answers prayers hahaha. about the sector, we are ripping it apart. now that we can really work, god is blessing us a lot. we should have a baptizm this transfer. its my goal, and gift that i want my comp to start his mission with a baptizm. i think that would be soo cool. the members see the difference in us also and have a lot more confidence in us. really its amazing to see how things can improve that fast!!

i have some great pictures with my comp, that i will NOT be able to send beacuse this comp is soooooooooooooooo slow haha. i seem to get bad luck with that. but i hope that yu gusy got the ones that i sent earlier. i got the package that you guys sent me with the scriptures and the oil containers and everythign!!!!! wow thank you guys soooo mcuh for that honesly! the lady was so happy and the kids that i gave the oil things too. wow it was great. thank you guys soo much. i am going to re send the package that i sent home. i guess that i did something wrond or something like that, but i need to re send ithaha. could i ask you guys another favor? and you guys can use my money for this. but could you guys send a package for my companion?? you could put like treats and maybe a cd or some other random stuff from the us that a latino would like? that would be perfect. fam. this guy is great and really is a great friend of my. i am going to write his fam and tell him how good of a missionary he is. i think that will make the family happy. :) he speaks really good inglish also. things here in the mission have improved tons!!!

to answer someof you qwusetions. i really actually havent gotten to sick here, but when i do get sick, i always ask for a blessing and then i work haha. here there are no days off. and about chruch ball, that is great that you guys are winning and stuff,but at the same timewould be n ice to have alll of the kids play. i guess that is why they come to the games. to play, and to win. haha.

thank you guys soooo much for all of the love and support that you guys give me every week. that really helps me out, a lot! there are not a lot of missionaries who have that... so thanks :) hope tthat you guys have good week! Love you guys!

ELder Catmull

ps sorry so short, i dont have too much time today. my comp needs to do a lot of things today haha ;(

We can see how much happier he is. This email was a HUGE burden off our shoulders!

So I guess my project tomorrow will be getting a package together for Elder Pouljol. I am so happy for L an all that he is doing. The kid is a freakin rock star! And since we are now down to 11 month left, all is well in Catmull land......


  1. OH HOW AWESOME! Another wonderful missionary moment! YAHOO for you momma!

  2. Yes, what a difference for sure. Man that is so great Melissa.

  3. I love reading about your missionary.

  4. Oh my gosh-- the last picture looks just like DAVE


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