Monday, February 2, 2009

Another proud Mom moment.....

You too may be this lucky one day.
I'm driving home from running some errands and get a text from my oldest son C informing that he is on his way to get his ears pierced. I quickly call him. "Come again?" I ask where he's going, his plan etc. but have decided that I can either wear my frowning disappointed face with him all the time, or I can find things that are positive. The second route is going to help our relationship.
So I tease him about his earring choice - please no silver - bad for your skin tone. Please no gauges or huge BLING.
And this is what he came up with.
Now, I realize you can't see his earrings here, but I did want you to know the Jesus picture in the background.
His right ear
His left
Why is he covering his mouth you say? Because once I pointed out that Jesus was looking on behind him, he got the giggles.

All I can say is thank heavens that they are not those awful huge gauges! I can live with these little ditties if they make him happy. Now if he comes home next and tells me his new significant other is named Steve, we'll need to talk again.....


  1. I saw your bosom swollen with pride.

    I really did.

  2. Good times! At least he listened to you!! :-)

  3. the earrings in NO way detract from his did good, mom!

  4. I worked with a couple of kids today with huge gauges in their ears. I think they will definitely be happy to have them when they can't get work at any place but Hot Topic.

  5. LOL - I noticed the Jesus picture first thing!!

    Things can always be worse, right? Maybe you can borrow his earrings now.

  6. I say, good choice. Because in the end you have to pick your battles, and it seems like when it comes to how they look, stiffling kids just makes them go more wild. Also because, honestly, I kind of think earrings on a man are hot. I'm not going to pick up on your son or anthing. (Wait is he over 18?) JUST KIDDING!


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