Sunday, January 4, 2009

Spiritul Sunday

Okay, so it's official now. I can really discuss. So in the past two Sunday posts, I've alluded to the fact that there was a change for me in my calling. For those of you who don't know, in my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, everyone serves in a calling. We have no paid clergy. The past three years I have been serving as a Gospel Doctrine teacher, which is Sunday School for adults. Before that I was serving as a counselor in the Young Women's organization. LOVED the YW. Was crushed when our presidency was released. Learned to love GD. A LOT.
But, drum roll please.......even happier to be BACK in Young Women's. This time as advisor to the Mia Maids which are the 14-16 year old young women. THRILLED!! Hello! Hanging out with the girls, mutual every week, girls camp... it doesn't get any better! Totally excited.
Went in there for the first time today, and because it was the first Sunday of the month, the entire organization was combined and the second counselor taught a lesson.
She centered it around the Mutual theme for this year. 1 Timothy 14:12 (I just made you look that up right? right? Now, you have your scripture reading done for the day. Your welcome).
Okay, how awesome is that for a theme? Add to list of things to improve on this year. Be thou an example of the believers.
And since now I have to behave around the YW, I guess I have no choice but to step it up a notch. Wish me luck!


  1. I am so jealous!

    I actually belong to a branch. In Midvale. It's a long story. Anyway, we don't have a YM/YW program. I really wish we did. I would love to work with the YW.

    After working with punk teenagers for 10 years, it would be great to work with "normal" girls again. Enjoy your calling!

  2. I am so jealous!

    I actually belong to a branch. In Midvale. It's a long story. Anyway, we don't have a YM/YW program. I really wish we did. I would love to work with the YW.

    After working with punk teenagers for 10 years, it would be great to work with "normal" girls again. Enjoy your calling!

  3. And they will love you I'm sure!

  4. We have the same calling! I was apprehensive at first, because I was used to being the primary prez for 2 1/2 years, but i love them. And I love that I have the inside track on who is a good babysitter!

  5. How fun! I bet the girls love you.
    It's been forever since I've worked in YW.

    Oh, and I just wanted to thank you for your Cafe Rio post which I read (and drooled over) this morning.

    Fast Sunday.

    When church didn't start until 1:00.


  6. How fun!! I love working with the YW. Sounds like you are going to really enjoy it again :)

  7. Love that you are in YW.

    Love that you have to be an adult.

  8. YAY you!! Isn't young womens the BEST. I was the beehive teacher for 3 years...then taught miamaids. Then was a counselor in our ward for Young womens...then got to be a Stake Young womens leader...and the ultimate challenge...Young women's camp director. I LOVED every single minute of it. Those girls are such a blessing and we had so much fun. I will always believe it's the best calling in the church!!!


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