Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pregnancy Pizza - Update!!

HAH!!! To all you naysayers out there, I say HAH!

Let me just give you the 411......
I talked to cute Linda last night and to my dismay, she had been violently ill since about 2 hours after eating the pizza. Garlic, garlic garlic..... However, did get some strong contractions that led them to believe THIS WAS IT.
And then, Done. Over. No more. (Don't you HATE that?)
So before we hung up last night, the plan was she was going to get a good night sleep, pray for her water to break at 6am and have little Timothy today. Thus starting labor within 48 hours of ingesting (and then expelling) said pizza, and delivering shortly thereafter.
Our plans? Almost perfect! I did think something was up when I didn't see them at church so I kept my fingers crossed all day waiting for a call!
Her water broke shortly after midnight, and she delivered beautiful Timothy Maxwell at 7:59 tonight. All 8lbs 2oz and 20 inches of him!
After a good night sleep tonight, I will head up there for pictures with mom and baby tomorrow.

But for now, again I say HAH!!


  1. I never doubted the power of the pizza.

  2. Do they ship this pizza to Tennessee? Come March I might be wanting it!

  3. That is RAD! If only I had known about this pizza before.

  4. That, they don't know jack.

  5. It's good to know that the pizza still retains it's magical powers! Regular pizza has magic can always make me want to EAT IT! I'm so glad mom & baby are well!

  6. Yay for a cute new baby! And for pregnancy pizza!

  7. Melissa, nice to meet you. My husband went to the mission just north of Osorno. Tell your son to enjoy some sick mayo covered chicken and rice for me (not a fan of Chilean Cuisine.) Looks like I am coming up north for some pizza next time I get prego. Thanks for the idea.

  8. That is great news! I really could have used that pizza exactly four years ago this week!

  9. I will definitely have to remember that for next time.


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