Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Infamous Wedding post

Because you asked.
And I love you.
And I am not easily embarrased.
And I have no sense of shame.

The Infamous Wedding Tag Post

And I now dare you all to play along if you haven't already.


  1. Do I do this with my first husband or curren husband, as I like to call him? LOL

  2. I love that tag...I'm too lazy to do it though...maybe on our next anniversary! It's so fun seeing old wedding pictures and realizing how my wedding dress even though it was only 3ish years ago is already out of style, ha!

    happy 26, that's amazing!

  3. I LOVED this. You were both HAWT!
    I did something a bit similar. But I didn't record all the deets.
    Perhaps I will!

  4. Now that was interesting. The porn mustache, eh? Not bad.

  5. Thank you. All my questions (except the nut cup one) have now been answered...

  6. I totally want to do this! Thanks.

  7. That was fun to read about!
    Uh, I'm digging the 'stache!


Lay it on me....