Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Saw a fun game on Just So's blog and thought it would be kinda cool to do too  You find the 6th picture you ever posted to your blog.


It was for this post.  About the Flat as a Pancake run.  Not my best run.  I was not happy and I am still harassed about my language at the finish line.  (If you can imagine)

It was kinda fun looking back at my oldest posts.  I have to say since November of 2008 - this blog has kinda growed up.  A little anyway.  Maybe there is hope for me after all.

Feel free to play along!


  1. this could be interesting.
    only thing is, i delete all posts after i have them in book form.

  2. You? Harassed for language? I can't imagine.

    Thanks for playing. It's fun!

  3. fun! I'm going to do this...
    also, that is an awesome picture, even if it wasn't your bestest time.

  4. Sniff Sniff - I feel like I have just watched this blog grow from a fetus. Where does the time go?

    And you are hot.

  5. Love this!

    and I'm off to look...

  6. Looks like it must've been chilly (I don't even want to think what my language would've been like).

    Mine was a picture of chocolate and now........I'm hungry.

  7. I think I'll try this. Looks easy and fun!

  8. i went back and read. Wow, you have been blogging for ever! I feel so new to the world. Hard to believe that the kids were so small and it has been only two years.

  9. oooh I love games...

    I would be cussin and swearin at the beg of the race. I am no runner, so I am always impressed when a runner makes it acrosss the finish line. That alone is an accomplishment

  10. I love that we can always grow and evolve, but something tells me that you will truly be a teenage girl at heart for the rest of your life! hahahaha!


Lay it on me....