Friday, October 2, 2009

Funny Bone Friday - Things I may have heard, or said, or just thought in my head

"Maybe I'll come and I'll sit on my crotch"

"I don't like starting tussles"

Me: "Dude! Why so late?! This is unacceptable 1:55"

Tuffy: "Mom it's 11:55."

Me: "Oh yeah, there is another 1 there. oops. My bad. You're good. Go to bed"

Me: "Please dude! Please will you go to the Sev?"

Tuffy: "Moooommmmm, I'm going bowling."

Me: "It's okay, I can just hobble in there myself."

Tuffy: "GOSH, I hate your guilt trips!"

Me: "Just go ahead and pack your bags, I'm sendin you on one."

Tuffy: (walking away disgustedly) "I think I'd rather get kicked in the crotch."

"No scaffolding. Sorry"

"He should have kept his pen out of the company ink."


  1. I love that Tuffy. And I will have you know...I sit on my crotch all the time...

  2. I have one for ya...

    I told Dr. Hubby about your comment on his cowboy attire on my blog...he said "Who is M-Cat." I then used one of his favorite lines on him..."Oh I don't know...she says she is a mormon mom...but it's probably just some dude in prison with extra internet time." Heehee!

  3. I just had dinner with Amber, and we talked about how awesome you are, and how I was sad I didn't get to see you at the shower.

    Hope you have a good weekend!


  4. Hey! That darn Kristina, having dinner with MY sister!! I wanna have dinner with them!!

    And I'm sorry your wicked, wicked boy wouldn't go to the sev for you.

    And can I tell you how much I love it that my Utah friends still call it "The Sev"?? Freakin' 70's, man!

  5. If you can't send your kids on guilt trips, who can you send?

  6. And I'm laughing at Scrappy. I'll have to tell her that I've met you and you're not a creepy guy in prison. At least not yet.

  7. Oooooooooooh I can't wait to send my kids on guilt trips. Firstborn is cute and sensitive, I'll bet she's close...

    Thanks for always sending kind words my way on my blog. Sometimes it feels you're my only loyal supporter! You're the best. and HELYESS we need to hook up. Can you do that in your "condition"??

  8. I love "guilting" my kids...

    I can come up with the best "G" trips ever. hey! its my job.

  9. are the pain meds affecting your vision!? that was funny!


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