Thursday, June 26, 2014

Preparing for Ragnar Wasatch Back and a lot of runners I adore from Ogden marathon

So dude.

Tomorrow morning at 1:00a-freaking-m I will meet at mon capiton's house, and we'll load up to start our annual Ragnar event.  I believe this is my 5th or 6th year doing Ragnar specifically but have thrown 4 other relays in there as well.  Relays are hard.  I think they trash my body harder than a marathon does.  I think it takes me longer to recover.  Simply because of the lack of sleep, crappy fuel (think snack/junk food) and sitting in a van/suburban for so many hours.

And I wouldn't change a thing!  I love it!  I love the teams I run with, I love the adventure, I love the challenge, I love to be surrounded with "my people"  People who love running, events and having fun.

Sure, I'm going into it a little less prepared than I would normally.  I took extra care when rehabbing the stress fracture from Boston but my last couple of runs I have felt well, no pain, and knowing my body - I can bring it.

As I lay in my bed this morning mentally planning out my packing list, wondering if I can find all the gear I need, and thinking about how tightly I can pack everything, my mind is full of all the amazing runners I have had the privilege of meeting over the past couple of years.

Lucky for me (or unlucky - based on perspective) because of my injury I wasn't able to run the Ogden marathon.  Instead, I represented the store at the Grand Slam tent.  I loved being able to chat with runners as they came in, hear how they felt, how they did....and while admittedly slightly envious, soak up all their good juju.  All that goodness that is only experienced at a marathon finish line.

Why it's taken me so long to post this, I have no idea, but knowing that I am going to be immersed in running for the next couple of days has motivated me to share a few of the pics I got at Ogden with a few of the most amazing runners, human beings I have had the pleasure to meet.  Did I capture everyone?  Sadly no, but here's a few of the folks in my life I enjoy calling friends:

My little space for the morning

A few of the crowd

Miss Millie representing WRC well!

John  and Paul - two of my running idols and inspirations!  John is a cancer survivor and Paul is my road trippin brother.

Vince, my last Boston long run partner, and nemesis with brown bubbly.  He drinks the wrong stuff and I am on a mission to convert him, but he's so busy running and OWNING the road that it's a little tricky

Clark who makes me laugh and is a bestie of WRC.  His smile can make anyone happy!

My girl.  My running bestie.  My Boston soul sister Andrea

Jonathon and London.  Fierce competitors that always motivate me to go out and get some miles!

Dave who started all the facebook fun and brought so many of us runners together.  Also the friend I was happy to give my Ogden bib to so that he could enjoy it!

Johnny, an incredibly funny and fast runner who makes me laugh daily on facebook.  Ladies - he's single....snatch him up!
Molly and Jerry.  Molly is seriously my hero.  The kindest spirit you will ever meet and Jerry?  Not just an outstanding runner, but a good soul that has nothing but kind words for everyone around him

Truly an amazing group of people that I've the chance and privilege to rub shoulders with.  Sometimes no more than on facebook or on race days, but who inspire me nonetheless.

So Ragnar?  Bring it.  I have no idea how well I will run.  My strategy is not to push it, but to listen to my body and most importantly have FUN!  Too many other things on the schedule this season to rush coming back too quickly too soon, so if nothing else, I hope I get to run into a few of my Run4Fun peeps and make some memories!

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