Thursday, May 1, 2014

Things I learned while spending some time in a hospital

By now, most friends and family know that my middle son was rushed to the ER Monday night with some severe abdominal pain and violent vomiting.  He's better now, home and resting but for those few days - I did make some interesting observations and learned some lessons while NOT being the patient.

Having a wall separate you from your son while you hear him vomit in the most violent way you've ever heard, can literally cause some breaks in your heart.

Crutches are ridiculous while trying to navigate halls and rooms.

A resident who names rhymes with Schmool is a complete and utter d-bag.  Even his co-workers realize what a A-hole he is.

Me and my daughter-in-love can text the same thing to each other at the same exact moment.  Great minds.....

You know things are bad when morphine and zofran don't cut it.

There is no way to sleep comfortably in a recliner.  Ever.

Much gratitude for the universal charger.   Different phones, one charger, everyone taken care of.

Don't use the restroom in the patients room.  Make the walk around the nurses station over to the elevators and next to the vending machine to handle business.  It's for the best.

If there is constantly a CNA stationed in a chair outside a room, it's not for teaching purposes.

Some patients are dangers to themselves and have to be constantly watched.  As well as their family members in a separate room.

Which means not everyone has a loving support system and that makes me sad.

If you just look closely enough, there will be diet coke within walking distance. And that makes me happy.

Hospitals don't sell energy drinks.  Hmmmmmm......

The cafeteria at Intermountain Medical Center is the best hospital cafeteria in all the land.

I always feel warmer when my Yankee blankie is with me.

But I always feel better when my boy is warm enough regardless of itchy hospital blankets.

Whoever invented the blanket warmer should be sainted.

When your boy stops vomiting you can finally breathe again.

When your boy actually speaks instead of moans in pain, your heart can actually feel a weight lifted off of it.

When your boy actually laughs, you can believe once again, that the world isn't going to end.

Seeing your daughter-in-love take care of your son, you realize that your role has not been replaced merely changed.

And you are MORE than okay with it.  It's the right thing.

There is no shame in keeping an "output" journal measuring pee and documenting bm's.  It's even okay to call it a "Poournal"

Wearing your USMC hoodie and sweats will generate conversation regardless if you've been wearing them for 3 days straight.  It brings out your Marine family, and that always makes you feel better.

Good nurses and CNA's can make or break an experience.  We had good ones.

It's helpful to have someone "in the business" that can assure you get a good ER doc.

Handwashing can never be overrated.  Ever.

If you are sick, have sick children or are just getting over being sick, DO NOT COME OR BRING THEM TO PUBLIC GATHERINGS!  You and they are still petri dishes of disease.

What may be a minor inconvenience to one person (some puking and some diarrhea) could be disastrous for someone else resulting in a severe pain and an expensive hospital visit.

Same thing for colds.  Stay the hell home people.  You never know how the same virus could affect other people.  Might not be a big deal to you, but you never know how it will affect someone else.

And finally......
It doesn't matter how old your children are, when they are sick, your mother instinct overrides everything else and they become your "little" again. It takes a lot of will power to not pick them up, hold them in your lap, stroke their forehead and rock them until they fall asleep.

I wonder if Heavenly Father ever feels this way.

Pretty sure He does.


  1. I'm so glad he's feeling better. P.S. I totally understand about the recliner. I slept for 4 months in one. Not fun.

  2. Love love this post. You are so right on. Also, if you find yourself in need of an energy drink, check the nurse's lounge for their personal stash, especially the night shift nurses!!

  3. I'm so glad your baby is feeling better. I can't imagine. Your post is so well done!

  4. I love this! I'm glad your son is doing better. It is AMAZING the things you learn spending some time observing in a hospital!

  5. I am glad your son is doing better. I didn't want to bug you, but have been watching silently through fb. I am sorry you had to go through this. If you need anything, please call me.

    btw - I love your sense of humor and your writing style. Only you can make a bad situation hilarious. :)

  6. As a mom-I totally get your feelings. Doesn't matter how old they are!
    As a BC patient currently undergoing chemo-I agree wholeheartedly about keeping sick kids home!
    I am SO glad to hear your son is on the mend! I will keep him in my prayers.


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