Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spiritual Sunday - Why I'm not and won't be a part of the "Ordain Women" movement.

I cringed even using their full name in the title of my post, because I don't want to send any more hits to their site than they already get but I wanted to make clear what I was talking about. And I fully expect to catch some back lash on this, so I'm just gonna go ahead and put some comment moderation on.  Or not.  Very few people actually read this little ole blog, and this is more for my children and grandchildren to understand precisely where I stand on this whole issue.

The issue?  In as simple terms as I can :
In my church, men hold the Priesthood.  That is by design and order of God.  However, as of late, there has been quite the movement from some women inside our church to change that eternal principle.  For whatever reason, there are women who feel that they are not as equal to men because they do not hold the sacred power of the priesthood.  The Priesthood is the power to act in God's name.  The same power Jesus Christ held to perform ordinances, heal the sick etc. has been restored and worthy men in my church have the opportunity to exercise that same priesthood power.

Why just men?  Why not women?    I get it.  I understand that some would wonder and question that.

I'm a simple girl.  I'm not a "critical thinker".  I don't analyze and research everything to the minute level.  I'm just not that smart or intellectually inclined.  I am one that goes by my heart.  In virtually everything.  I have always been one that "feels" rather than "thinks".  Religion in and of itself is based really on feelings rather than intellect.  Think about it.  The story of Jesus feeding the thousands with two fishes and a couple of loaves of bread?  You could hurt your brain trying to make that physically happen.  Changing water into wine?  Same thing.  How could the physics of that happen?  I have no clue.  I only know that in my heart, when I read about it and I pray to God for the answers, I FEEL it in my heart that it's true.  That those things happened.  I have no idea how, but they did.

As a young girl, I was raised a Mormon.  A member of  The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints.  As a teen, as most teens do, I questioned, I rebelled, I chose to drift away.  When maturity set in, I explored how I felt about the church of my youth.  I had to make a decision as to whether it was for me, or did I want something else.  I knew I wanted and NEEDED some religion, some belief system, SOMETHING in my life and the life of my small children and husband.  My approach back into activity of the church was not something I attacked with intellect.  Again, it's just not in me.  I went with my heart and my gut.  The Book of Mormon promises answers.  I read it, I prayed about it and I got my answer.  From then on, there was no looking back.  Changes in my life were made and I embraced it.

There are some whose approach is different.  They study, they read, they cross reference, they gather all views both for and against.  And then they try to make a decision based on their fact finding.  Sorry, but that's not how religion, or better stated, FAITH in God works.  Faith is things believed in that are not seen.  I have not seen God the Father, His son Jesus Christ nor the Holy Ghost.  But I FEEL them, and in my heart I know they are real beings who love me.  I have not seen Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the early pioneers, but I have FELT them and I know that even though they were imperfect people (just like me - making mistakes along the way), my heart knows that they were real, and that their efforts to restore the true gospel of Jesus Christ are true.  They did it.  They might have made mistakes, but those errors don't stand in the way of  me KNOWING the church and Christ's gospel is true.  I just don't even need to worry about those things in my belief structure.  It doesn't matter.  Simply, I asked God about it, He gave me the answer.  Done.

So back to the movement to ordain women in to the priesthood.  The Lord has given His answer.  It is established the way it is supposed to be.  Done.  Did Mary Magdalene, or Ruth, or Sarah or Mary the mother of God have the priesthood?  Did they ask for it?  How about after Christ was crucified and His disciples continued to preach and establish the church.  Did women in those days ask for and receive it? I can't find any examples of such.

But what about the purposes that women are saying that they want it for?  A very wise and very good friend stated it better than I ever could:

"All the women I hear talking about wanting the priesthood say things like "I want to hold my baby" "I want to bless my children" "I want to be able to give blessings." It is all very ego-centric. The grand irony is that the priesthood is the antithesis of "self-aggrandizement". It is about serving OTHERS, not about fulfilling PERSONAL wishes. So, basically, all of the women asking for the priesthood to "fulfill" themselves, don't really even understand that very priesthood that they covet." MMM

Maybe that's the problem.  Perhaps the women who are clamoring to be ordained to the Priesthood, 

aren't clearly understanding the very thing they are desiring.

For me?  I believe in continual revelation from God.  I believe it was restored when Christ's original 

church was restored in the 1800's through Joseph Smith.  I believe that if women were designed to 

 hold the priesthood and those responsibilities, God would tell us.  He hasn't.  I know from personal 

experience that when I "counsel" the Lord (tell Him what I think should happen because I know best), 

I'm usually schooled pretty well on the fact that I DON'T know all, and the HE does and that I shouldn't 

be telling Him what should happen but rather, I should faithfully pray to know what I should do to 

better serve Him.

My heart goes out to those women who feel such a need to push the prophet and other church leaders to 

change the order of God's church.

My friend Viki articulated it best, click here and read her words, for they are better 

than mine. 

*taps fingers and waits for you to come back*

But know this, I don't support the movement.  I won't ever support the movement.  I am grateful for the 

special gifts God has given me and I have plenty of responsibility and duty to serve Him with those 

talents that if He wanted me to have more, He would have given me more.  As a daughter of God, I 

find myself revered and loved by Him in a way that cannot be verbally expressed.  

But I know it in my heart, and that is enough.  My heart and my Spirit.  And for this simple girl.  It is 



  1. I'm with you all the way on this one. Thanks for stating things so well.


  2. Amen, Sister, Thanks for sharing your thoughts and testimony. I love you for that. We haven't heard much about that here in the south. I thing it is more of a western thing. I feel very sad for them and this situation in their lives. I am a daughter of God and have never wanted to be anything different. Or change His will for me. His plan is the one I follow. Hugs my friend.

  3. Excellent, well said! Loved this post:)

  4. Coming here on recommendation of MMM - I love this post and add my AMEN to it. I totally agree with you. Thank you!

  5. MMM steered me here, too. Well said. I feel like a simple girl too, or in my case a simple older woman. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty about being simple. But reading your post, I see the beauty in it. You are simple as a child - you ask the one who knows and you believe Him. That is pretty simple. and wonderful.

  6. Thanks for this! I just don't understand why THEY don't understand! Testimonies can be delicate things...easily weakened when fed by unrighteous desires instilled by equally unrighteous and undermining attitudes of self and others who would see us sidetracked and then DEtracked entirely. Guard your testimony as you would guard and protect your children from anything that would harm and destroy them.

  7. Here from a FB link. Thank you for your words. Everything you said is in harmony with my feelings. I feel for these women that don't feel like what they have is enough. But like you said, I don't feel "less" and I'm plenty happy with the responsibilities that Heavenly Father has already given us.

  8. So awesomely put! Thanks, my sister from another mister!!

  9. I left a comment earlier on my phone - but it didn't stick somehow. I wanted to tell you that you articulated it way better than me and that I LOVE your simple honest faith. If we could clone a bunch of you, the world would be that much better! Love ya' friend.

  10. Its funny. I agree whole heartedly about the priesthood because I know the church is true and the pattern that is established for men and women is eternal and from God. But I am a thinker not a feeler. I learn about the gospel through my mind. However I have a daughter who learns from feelings and I have no idea how to help her gain her personal testimony so I ready appreciate your thoughts on learning religion from feelings.

  11. "All that the Father has" is enough for me. It takes and wife. Equally important.

  12. Amen! Thank you for putting into words what I also feel in my heart!

  13. "The practice of women giving blessings originated with Joseph Smith and the first Relief Society in Nauvoo. At the 6th meeting of the Relief Society on April 28th, 1843, Joseph instructed the sisters about the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 and stated that the gift to heal was a gift of the spirit, one that followed all the believers whether they were male or female. Eliza R. Snow recorded that Joseph said:

    Respecting females administering for the healing of the sick… there could be no evil in it, if God gave His sanction by healing; that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands on and praying for the sick, than in wetting the face with water; it is no sin for anybody to administer that has faith, or if the sick have faith to be healed by their administrations. (History of the Church, volume 4, pg. 604)"

  14. Thank you! And Thank You again!!! So tired of having to know these silly women are out there making fools of themselves.

  15. Amen, excellent post. I'm simple too and trust my heart in faith matters over my small intellect. I'm staying the course, trusting the Lord and his ordained prophets. I'm trying to not waste my time judging the women who promote their own agendas.

  16. I agree with you on this and don't think these sisters have sincerely prayer on this.

  17. I agree with you on this and don't think these sisters have sincerely prayer on this.

  18. I agree with you on this and don't think these sisters have sincerely prayer on this.

  19. I think this whole thing is so sad for so many reasons. First let me say I am an ex-mormon woman but a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In Genesis 3:16 we are told that women would be cursed with the pain of child birth and they would desire to rule over their husbands for her part in sin. Women Rise! Why are we surprised that women want to rule, God tells us this will happen in the beginning.

    Secondly, lets look at the meaning of priest. What does a priest do? I priest goes before God for the people. The are intercessors. When Christ died on the cross the veil of the Holy of Holy was torn. We are no long in need of a priest. Christ is the great High Priest. If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and he is the Lord and Savior of you life, He is your great High priest. You don't need a priest, you have access to the great High priest through the Holy Spirit. He intercedes for you. You can pray over your children, pray for healing over your sick friends and do anything that a priesthood holder does.

  20. Ma2_3boys - first I hope your tag name means that you are indeed a mother to three boys because that unites us right there!

    I agree that we can and SHOULD be praying for our children, healing for our sick friends etc. The difference is the actual Priesthood power that utlizes the same healing powers that Christ has. I don't believe that women are ordained or need to be ordained for this. As women, our role is a holy and divine one in and of itself. The brethren have their part in the grand plan and I believe it's that way be design and eternal law.

    Of course, no harm in praying for others.

  21. MMM Sent me this way. Wonderful comments and thoughts! Thank you for your testimony!

  22. Thank you! You said it beautifully. The church is all about serving others. In the next lesson my husband is teaching in priesthood in a few weeks President Joseph Feilding Smith said this "The man who does only those things in the church which concern himself alone will never reach exaltation. For instance, the man who is willing to pray, pay his tithes and offerings, and to attend to the ordinary duties which concern his own personal life, and never nothing more, will never reach the goal of perfection." I would suspect that those who are going about trying to get the church to give them the priesthood are not fulfilling their duties in the church. I would suggest that they are otherwise distracted and are not serving the sisters in relief society nor their families. In fact the other day I saw a news story on one of these women and I turned to my husband and said to him. "I feel bad for her family especially her husband. He and the children probably get neglected a lot right now while she champions her cause" The cause that we should be championing is the building up of the kingdom of God on the earth. We should be serving others and sharing the love of Christ with them. This is what I am teaching my children, this the legacy I want to leave with them. I am going about using the unique gifts that God has given me to serve in my neighborhood and in the church. I want my children to know that I love the Lord Jesus Christ, that I emulate him and served him well while on this earth. I will attend the meeting this weekend for the women and I will be sure to watch and listen to conference with my family and I will encourage my husband to attend the priesthood session and take our son with him. I will not be distracting them from being able to go, I will let them do their duty and serve in the best way they know how, and I will continue to serve the best way I know how.

  23. Yes, faith is the at the crux of religious beliefs and I am glad yours is strong.

    Let me tell you about mine. I have been an active, calling and temple recommend-holding LDS woman for over 30 years. My faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is firm. But my FEELINGS about the position of women are bothered by the current setup. For years the answer to prayers about this has been to just be patient, the time will come. So I have been patient and have continued faithful and will continue faithful. But last year, I suddenly got a new answer. It came in the way of insight that MEN are not going to petition the Lord for something that WOMEN want unless we tell them. I took to my knees and received an undeniable answer that now is the time to make my desires for priesthood public. God has put me in this place and as hard as it is to listen to other members of my faith sit in judgment on me, I will do what I feel comes as inspiration from God.

    Obviously, this is not your journey, nor is advocating for equality for women your path. But it is mine and I would simply ask for a bit less judgment and a bit more of an open mind that I am not faithless.

    And I live in the south and my family has been here for over 400 years, so this isn't a "western thing."

  24. MCAT, thanks for this post. It's like you pulled the words right out of my brain. I would rather be a daughter of God and have the creative powers that I have, than be a son of God. I am able to exercise faith and pray/bless my family. I'm not missing anything by not having the certificate or the line of priesthood authority that the men in my family do. Now, I realize that I've just dumbed down a whole lot into super simplicity, but that's still how I feel about it. I'm so grateful that I'm not being dogged about the perceived inequalities my sisters are experiencing. We each have our particular trials. I'll keep mine and pray for my sisters that they can come through their refiner's fire.

  25. If I kept a blog and if I could adequately express verbally what I felt emotionally my blog would say exactly what you wrote. :) Thank you for putting words to my feelings. The friend you quoted is spot on. I find their (OW) desire for the priesthood to be one out of pride and ego. I can't wrap my brain around it.

  26. LOVED THIS POST. it was simple, heartfelt, and yet beautifully eloquent. i followed a link that was posted on facebook. thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  27. Beautifully stated. I've participated in the church for many years as a single adult, and then as a married woman who could not conceive for nearly ten years, and now finally as a wife and mother. During those years before children, I served as a primary president and a relief society president. I never felt diminished in my role as a woman. I never felt undervalued as I served on ward councils. I have always been an equal partner with my brothers in the gospel in doing the work of the church. We don't need to hold the priesthood to do the Lord's work. We don't need to be ordained to partake of every blessing that God has for his children. Nothing is withheld from women. Every blessing is ours. Our responsibilities may be different, but our value and importance is not. Who am I to complain about the work the Lord has designated for me to do? I accept his will, trust in his doctrine, and follow his prophet. I pray that the women caught up in this movement will come to understand the glorious blessings and privileges that are theirs by virtue of their divine nature and womanhood, and stop trying to dictate to the Lord's chosen prophet. From there it is such a short step to losing faith in the prophet entirely, and then losing a testimony that this is the Lord's church.

  28. Thank you. I'm grateful for people like you who have the gift to put in words the things I feel.

  29. You said it just as we'll if not better than anyone.

  30. You said it just as we'll if not better than anyone.

  31. I can't understand how these women say they believe in the Church but that it is so wrong. It this Church is so wrong go find another church to change to be that way that you feel it should be. As for me and my house...Well I just keep serving the Lord as he sees fit.


Lay it on me....