Monday, March 10, 2014

Imagine Dragons 2014 - Can you Imagine me and the Splenda Daddy at an actual concert?

HAH!  So it's been like 25 years since Splenda Daddy and I have been to any kind of concert.  Like serious concert.  But I absolutely LOVE this band!  Like, love as in I could listen to their CD over and over and over again and not get sick of them kind of love. I do admit, that I fear they are getting overplayed on the radio, but I believe that when they release their second album it will just be proof that they are worth the exposure.

So anywhoo....when I heard they were here in Utah, I was too late to secure tickets and the night off, so I immediately hit the interwebz and found that they were coming to Boise, ID (a five hour drive north) and in February of 2014.  Before I knew it, I had my plastic card out and booking the best seats available.  I.Was.Giddy!

That was late last year, fast forward to February 8th.  The forecast called for some snowy weather so in fear of road closures or delays, Splenda and I loaded up the Rav with lots of extra blankets and coats (JIC) and hit the highway early.  Nothing like a road trip with your hubby of almost 30 years to remind you just how much you still love him and that he's truly your best friend.  I think we should do that more often!

We arrived in Boise much earlier than we anticipated and since I had 16 miles in my training plan that needed to get done, we checked in, dumped our stuff in our room (after the appropriate bed bug check) and I hit the dreadmill in the hotel's "gym".
(Great place to stay - highly recommend ANY Marriott)

(rocking the 70's motif)

Couple of hours later, a quick shower and dinner in the local restaurant across the parking lot and we were loading the shuttle van for a ride to the Taco Bell Arena.

First let me say.  It was the Taco Bell Arena and NOT ONE TACO to be found!  What the heck?  We wandered a bit before we found our seats, and I have to seats available??

The warm up band was still performing and a few of the crowd members right near us were already drunk and ready for fun.  This poor guy was trying desperately to get the "wave" going.

Pretty sure I heard 1985 calling and asking for their 'wave' back.

And then..............

The lights go down and out they come!

I realize I don't have the best pictures, and I did sneak a little video that I posted on Facebook, but I don't know how to load it here so....instead I'm gonna post a few links to their youtube videos:
One of my favorite songs....

Another favorite:

And this one means a ton to me.  My friend Kandi was a good friend of Tyler Robinson (don't mind the shaky video - watch to the end and I guarantee you will have the chills)  who loved ID as much as I do.  The band took him under their wing, there is a fund established in his name for childhood cancer and this song reminds me of his battle and all the others who fight cancer daily.  In May Kandi will be running the Ogden marathon in honor of Tyler.  I hope to be right by her side and soak up her goodness as she "slays cancer with Dragons"

They were INCREDIBLE!  So much fun!  Family friendly, gracious and kind to the crowd and excellent performers.  All of them sing, play the guitar and drum.  They are the full package.  And admittedly, it was fun to let loose for a few hours, forget that I was 47 and just have a good time!

Too soon it felt like it was over and we were amongst the masses winding our way out of the taco-less arena and into the streets of Boise.  Luckily, we were merely a mile away so we walked back to the hotel.

Such a fun time!  And while we had to turn around and head home first thing in the morning, it was worth every penny, and minute of time.  Being with my best friend, at a concert with my favorite band is exactly what I needed!

Now, I am watching their tour dates to see if I can swing another road trip somewhere close by

Thanks Imagine Dragons - you were more than I had even imagined!

PS - Kandi - can't wait for Ogden!  It will be a meaningful marathon!


  1. Did you catch them on their Audio Files special (

  2. We did that once in the early 90s, but the concert was Garth Brooks Ropin the Wind and the city was Laramie, WY. Such a fun, crazy trip!

  3. Sounds fun! I like them a lot too! I just bought their CD, which drives my kids nuts! (So that's a bonus, right?)

  4. This reminds me of Tiburon's concert wrap up posts. Look at you, going to a concert far from home. (No more making fun of us if we travel far to see someone live!)


Lay it on me....