Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goals not Resolutions for 2014

Oh man is Facebook flooded with everyone's New Year resolutions and goals.  Personally, I prefer the word goals, because resolution in my mind seems so final.  And I don't believe anything is final.  I'm constantly a work in progress, so for me - goals seems the best fitting word.

My first goal to get started on is (drumroll please)......

To be a little more outgoing.  Less of a wallflower.  More willing to engage in meaningful debate over topics that are important to all of society.  I tend to keep my thoughts to myself and instead, I need to speak up and let my voice be heard!

First topic of the year for debate:

Skittles recently swapped out the flavor of their green skittles from lime to green apple.  Lifesavers also did the same thing.  Is it just me or is lime is getting the short stick (except for those who like a dirty diet coke)?  Is this a good thing or a bad?  What repercussions could this have on future generations?



  1. That whole "less of a wallflower thing".. you really had me going for a minute.

  2. Maybe the new green apple flavors will end up like the "New Coke"

  3. I would never have pictured you a "wallflower." You are just exceptionally kind and chose to pick your battles.

    Regarding the skittles debate; man I had no idea. I personally only like the red and purple ones. :)


  4. Why did Skittles have to go and mess with a good thing! I loved the lime green skittles!

    Happy New Year to you!

  5. The only thing I want to discuss is how in the heck can you eat so many skittles. A handful and my tongue is bleeding!!!!

    Which color do you like best?

  6. That's right, you've always been such a mystery. So glad we are finally going to get a little peek into M-Cats mysterious mind!

    And to begin the debate with skittles....finally, someone who will brave the issue of the green flavor swap!

  7. Green apple flavored skittles are gross.

  8. I don't usually love lime, but the green apple skittles throw off the whole "chew a handful" mojo.


Lay it on me....