Saturday, January 28, 2012

Things that make me smile - picture style

It's January.  Hate January.  Like totally get super down, bummed and low in January.  To make matters worse, it's been a crappy week.  Details later.  CA-RAP.EE


Wallow?  Or find something to make yourself smile?

I chose to look around.  After a run.

See that cute lady on my side?

She's the cute lady that Stacy and I had the privilege of running in.  Glad someone got some pics and posted them so I could snag them.  Look how happy she is!  Love that feeling

One more cute pic with Brock.  He's out the door on his mission, and gone for two years, but I love that kid.  Like a fat boy loves cake.

My mom sent an awesome postcard.  I am so happy that she gets to travel and see so many fun things while serving her mission.  I joke that it isn't a mission at all, but her weekly updates show just how much work they really do.  It makes me smile to see her so happy

Check it out.  The dude is dead.  The man attacking me is no longer a threat.  Hit his jugular, heart and gut.  Threat crisis eliminated.

I don't go into my favorite room often enough, but today while cleaning, I put away some things and just looking at my room, the medals, the NYY stuff just made me smile.  So much emotion for such a small amount of space.

This is probably my most favorite picture of me and Chloee.  Neither of us are looking at the camera, it was just a great moment of a great kiss for Mimi.  Love that girl.  MORE than a fat kid loves cake.

So for today, the blues have been chased away.  No promises for tomorrow.  In fact, let's just take it a day at a time, until February 11th and I am on a flight south. 

But now, just smile.


  1. such FUN pictures. I love pictures of just see this gleam on their faces. (you and hubby look good in that photo too)

    I hate January too...and February...and damn, March is no good here either as it is still cold.
    sorry you had a CR.A.PEE to get better. Right?

    how fun to have a room where you put your "favorite things". A kind of "go to place" .
    hugs to you my friend

  2. Yay! for the cute lady and her pics! I would have been crying too! I'm right there with you for January hating! Just gotta get better!

    Yay Wendy for being first!

  3. I hate January too. And I am definetly feeling the blahs. I think I need to go shooting. I am not sure I can even hit the target like that anymore.

    Love the "Friends" picture and the running pics.

  4. I love each if those pictures. I think you running in January is the best motivator of all.
    I too love that picture of you and Chloee.

    Your cruise should be totally awesome. I expect to see some cool pictures..... Of a fat kid eating cake.

  5. There is too much awesome-ness in this post. It made ME happy.

    Thanks for sharing some sunshine tonight. :)

  6. From the first picture until the last, you had me smiling! How nice that you got pictures of making sure "No man/woman left behind!"
    January is almost over! Yes!

  7. Yes! January and February dragggggg! For me this year Jan went fast at least!
    Love that pic of you and Chloee - alot of love there!!
    You are beautiful :-)

  8. I'm with ya....January bites! Your photos made me smile!

  9. with things like that in your life, of course the blues are chased away!

    January always a sucky month..but this January has been so much more bearable than last January...don't ya think?

  10. Glad I am not the bad guy! Jelous of those skills.
    Jan. is almost over, you are almost there.
    That pic of you and Chloee is priceless. Who says you have to look at the camera?

  11. Sorry that I love January. But only because I am not in UT.

    So sorry about your friend, too. I do believe that dreams like that are for a reason. I had specific dreams after my closest cousin died (something I needed to do in my life, and after I finally did it, the dreams stopped. I know she was encouraging me), and my nephew too had dreams after their Dad died. I love that the veil is thin sometimes.


Lay it on me....