Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tickle me PINK Tuesday

Things that are tickling me PINK today

First this:
Seeing my name come up in the St George Marathon Lottery!


Then the hysterical picture I got in the mail from a southern bff

And finally just remembering how great my Mother's Day was -

Saturday night, Splenda and I went shooting, and spent some time at the gun shop looking at options and getting information.

Followed by dinner at my favorite pizza place - The Pie

Sunday was even better!

First, Chloee helped Splenda make me a waffle with strawberries and whip cream.  Totally my favorite breakfast of all time.

An hour long skype call with Corb and listening to Chloee read all her Challenger books to him  And watching how sweet he is with her. 

Then listening to sweet Chloee sing in church with the Primary kids.  So what if she felt the need to also lead the music?  It was cute and the "I love you" in sign language at the end was the icing on the cake.

Coming home to my other boys and Splenda giving me prizes and preparing a nice dinner of a sauteed mushroom covered steak with guacamole and chips.  One of my all time favorite dinners!

My prizey's:

We this family photo taken 7 (SEVEN) years ago at my niece's wedding and I have wanted it framed that long. I kinda forgot about it, but Splenda didn't! I love that picture! Now we are laughing that we got it framed just in time to do another family photo next month at the wedding.

A funny card from Luke:
"You're the best #@&amp Mom
in the whole #@*$ world!"
and a promised clothes shopping trip together (I just can't wait to hang out with him)

Cash from Tuffy along with a great coupon sheet with lots of options with several times of each option.
(back scratches, favorite dinners, chores, etc)


That evening my brother and his fam came over and we skyped with my mom in Sweden. She didn't bother to tell us that it was 2:00am her time!
It was a nice chance to be together and to see how much fun they are having on their mission!

What a great day!

And all wonderful things to be tickling me PINK today!


  1. First Whoo Hooo on the St. George Marathon where you can lose the toenails and watch runners poop - Ha Ha - I also remember reading in the past how hard it is to get into that one - So, Good going!

    So happy to see your smiling face on Mother's Day - It's been quite a year for you and you deserve all the love and spoiling!!

  2. And I am tickled for you. That is my favorite breakfast of all time too. You are one spoiled chica.

  3. It sounds like you were da bomb on Mama's Day.
    I bet Chloee was a total crack up in church.
    I say "let her lead!"

    I had to click on the picture that Splenda Daddy had framed. HAWT!

  4. What a great family picture! Glad you got it framed and hangin'!

    You deserve to be spoiled!

    I love watching the children sing during church, especially the ones with personality! I'm sure Chloee was adorable!

  5. I'm glad you had such a great Mother's day weekend! You deserved it! I can't wait to see the new family picture hanging!

  6. you are loved and spoiled to the max. and you deserve it.

  7. I am so grateful it was such a happy day! -- You deserve it much!!

    Congrats on the marathon!!!!!!

    I had no idea your Mother was in Sweden! I wanna go!!!!

  8. Oh ya.. and I LOVE the Obama shirt! tee-hee

  9. Way to go on getting into St. George! Let the fun begin :-)

  10. Woo hoo! Good luck on the marathon, I have no doubts you'll do amazingly well.

    Going to be giggling at that Obama shirt for a while! ha!

  11. Yeah! Super duper news on the marathon! And you deserved everything you got on mom's day.

  12. Glad you had great Mother's Day. Love the family pic too. Let's not gforget the oh so awesome Obama shirt. I may start wearing t-shirts again just so I can sport one of those. Now just where do I get one?


Lay it on me....