Monday, May 23, 2011

My Marine Monday - Graduation and ...what's this?

LCpl Catmull's diploma and a surprise award - The Mertiorious Mast  Award

It reads:
"For superior performance of duty while enrolled in the Small Arms Repair Course, Class #19-11 at Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Lee, Virginia from 17 March 2011 to 20 May 2011. During this period Lance Corporal Catmull distinguished himself in a highly exemplary manner by serving as the class leader. On a daily basis, he consistently demonstrated his superior leadership, initiative, motivation, and military skills. These qualities set him apart from his peers and contributed greatly to the success of his fellow classmates and the Marine Corps Detachment. Lance Corporal Catmull's professional attitude and loyal devotion to duty reflected great credit upon himself, the United States Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service."

Is it a big deal?  I guess so...... read below (from a fellow Marine who also garnered this award in 2009):

A Mertiorious Mast has to be approved through the Marines entire chain of command, and it has to be unanimous. I didn't know anything about mine that I received while standing at attention for an awards ceremony. I thought my heart was going to explode. To a Marine there is very few honors that can compete with such an honor.

g. Meritorious Mast. Whenever the performance of an enlisted Marine is considered noteworthy or commendable beyond the usual requirements of duty or the Marine demonstrates exceptional industry, judgment, or initiative, the senior person who has observed the Marine’s performance shall make a report of this to the Marine’s Commander (battalion or equivalent echelon). These reports shall be given careful consideration and, if appropriate, a Meritorious Mast held.
(1) A Meritorious Mast shall not be conducted when the service or performance of the Marine is recognized through the awarding of a Letter of Appreciation, Certificate of Commendation, or a personal decoration.
(2) Commanders will use the Meritorious Mast (NAVMC 10935) form as a uniform means of recognizing efforts that warrant recognition. The form, which is a two-part set, is available through the normal supply channels (NSN 0109 LF-064-6500). Do not forward copies of approved Meritorious Mast’s to CMC (MMMA). A copy, however, should be forwarded to CMC (MMSB) for inclusion into
the Marines OMPF.

So proud of our son!  He admitted he got a little choked up when they presented the award, he didn't know it was coming. 

He was a born leader, and so far he is showing it.  He has garnered a leadership billet or position in every post or assignment given.  I am wondering if he shouldn't start thinking about Officer school and seeing if it would make a good career.

Either way, we are so proud of him and happy for him!

He is now back in California at Camp Pendleton and getting processed.  In 3 weeks, we'll be headed there and I can't wait to give him a big old Momma hug!

Semper Fi


  1. THAT IS SO COOL!!!!! Congrats to Corb and hugs to you!

  2. Wow! That is very nice. You must be super proud.

  3. I am so proud of Corbin! Did he send you his diploma or a picture? We didn't get any kind of pictures from graduation. You are lucky!

  4. I got chocked up. Congratulations Corbin!

  5. That is awesome! I'm proud of him and he's not even mine. Congratulations Corbin!

  6. I hope you're popping some buttons! (whatever that means) What a wonderful accomplishment. What a wonderful son!

  7. Very nice! Congrats to your Marine!

  8. Congrats to LCpl Catmull and to his Momma, for raising such a son!!

  9. What an honor. You have a wonderful son :-)

  10. ATTENTION.....I'm giving my private heartfelt salute to a wonderful Lance Corporal Catmull,who received the Mertiorious mast award.


  11. Really a very nice blog... The information about My Marine Monday - Graduation and ...what's this? is so useful... Thanks for this..awesome blog

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  12. that. is. AWESOME!!! :) congrats 'dawg and congrats to momma 'dawg! ::hugs::


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