Friday, April 1, 2011

A real love story

Wanna put a smile on your face?  Wanna sneak peek into the lives of two people in love?


I promise it will lift your spirits and remind you that even in a world where chaos seems to prevail, people appear miserable,  relationships fail, and young adults are bouncing from one another like hot potatoes, there are still good, true and honest lovers.  Ones who have each other's best interests at heart and despite their challenges are committed to each other and to any children involved.

Splenda and I couldn't be happier for Corbin, for Karalee and most especially for Chloee.  She has a woman in her Daddy's life that loves her as if she were her own.

We are blessed.

Thank you Karalee!


  1. SO Sweet! Made me tear up. Makes you realize what's important in life. So glad they have each other.

  2. Ah, young sweet love!! Old love is good too, just different!!

    Very sweet video, Karalee. Thanks for letting MCat share it.

  3. DAmn Facebook!

    OK I am just imagining that these 2 are in love and planning a life together :-D

  4. That was breathtaking, beautiful, heartfelt, amazing, full of emotion....loved every minute of it! Had to go find a tissue!

    Wishing all of you the BEST of EVERYTHING!


Lay it on me....