Thursday, January 13, 2011

How do you get an almost 4 year old who isn't used to sleeping alone, to sleep in her own bed at night?

All night long?

(thank you Lundells for the daybed, Shark for the bedding and painting and Ree for painting - my Diva's took it by storm!)

You get a freakin MARINE on the job!

Okay, so Sissy just hasn't been used to sleeping by herself.  When she stayed at my house before, she always slept with me and Splenda.  We tried to get her in the Yankee room and bed by herself, but she wouldn't have any of it!

I asked her Mom once what she did to be able to get her to sleep alone and she told me she was too soft hearted and that she didn't make her either.  We both agreed that Sweet lil punkin is just too fun to snuggle with.  I even asked Sis once where she slept so I could show her that if she slept alone at someone else's house, she could at mine.  I got a typical toddler answer that she slept with Mommy, or Ganpa, or us.  And then something shiny caught her attention and the convo ended.

Well, her wise Daddy put an end to all that.  I wish I had been smart enough to think of it myself!  Props to him.

Last week, he let HER put HIM to bed in her bed.  Tucked him in, turned off the light and shut the door.  When she got up in the morning, he was still sleeping there.

The next night, he took her into her room.  Laid her in bed - amid whimpering, crying, and protests- and reminded her how she had helped him in there the night before and that he slept there all night long, all by himself.
He then explained that while he was there the night before, he made sure that EVERY scary thing in that room was gone.  Any ghosts, monsters, sounds, (anything a pre-schooler might imagine).....her daddy took care of them.  The room was spotless of any scary.

He then drew her attention to the Marine flag hanging over her bed.  He reminded her that his job is being a Marine and that Marine's protect people.  They keep them safe.  He explained that the flag was there over her bed to protect her.  Nothing bad or scary could ever happen with that flag hanging over her bed.  It was her protection.

(thank you Countess and your congregation for the prayer bear)

He then upped the ante with a reward in the morning with a toy or a treat if she made it all night long in her own bed.
She asked him if he was going to stay there all night.  He told her no, but reminded her that the flag was there all night. 
She rolled over and went to sleep.  He shut the door and walked out. 

The End.

Really..... she has been there every night on her own since then.  She does the typical stall tactics wanting a drink, one more story, sit for awhile..... all perfectly normal stuff.
Each night she has woken up during the night once or twice or four times, but she is easily calmed and goes back to sleep.

Brilliant I tell ya - just freakin brilliant!


  1. Crying again...
    Can he come to my house?
    I have two that end up with me by morning.

  2. Any chance you've got an extra marine around you can send me? Lol I've got a 7 year old son that has never once slept in his own bed at home (at his dad's house he does it). Congrats on the bedtime tactics!

  3. what a cute story! way to be creative.

  4. He's a marine, of course he's gonna outsmart her. But also, what a sweet dad who knows his daughter.

  5. That Marine is a natural at being a Father. He is smart I tell you!!

    Good job!!

  6. We always send in the Marines to get the job done! Way to go Dawg!

  7. I am very impressed! He has grown up a lot. What a good daddy. I know Sissy believed him; that's why it worked. The world revolves around a dad for every little girl.

  8. My 2 littles do very good with this, but I am a softie and they go to bed with NickJr on.

  9. I taught him everything he knows...

    Oh I didn't.

    You did.

    Brillz I say. BRILLZ!

  10. Leave it to daddy.

    Cute bed.

    What does it mean when your 9 yr old still wants you to lay with him each night and you comply because he gives really good back scratches and you can't stand the fact that your baby is getting so old and you like to cuddle?

  11. Very funny ... kids are so amazing ... the tall one and the short one :))

    I'm guilty of over thinking things sometimes ... trying to anticipate everything that could go wrong ... then the kiddo will just step up and do the task they are asked to do ... almost as if they were waiting for me to JUST ask ...

    Great for you guys ... !!!

  12. Seriously, he could become a consultant after the Marines... write a book, do the talk show circuit, become a millionaire...

    But before all that, could he come to my house? There's a 7 and 5 year old (and ahem 40 something) that needs his teachings...

    Well done!!

  13. The Few, The Proud.

    Gotta love it.

    Meanwhile, I get kicked in the kidneys all night long when Love Potion #1 comes to spend the night with me.

  14. In tears.

    I have always stood by the daddy magic. When all else fails turn to the daddy magic.

  15. This just puts a smile on my face.

  16. Smart man that Dawg!

    Love the room, looks like it's perfect for her. I love the flag over her bed. That has got to be so comforting for everyone.

  17. Way to go Dad!!! Shows how much she trusts him. Made me cry.

  18. what an awesome and resourceful dad he is!! I love that they have the same smile :-)

  19. Beautiful way to put a child to sleep. He is a great daddy! You have so much to be proud of.

  20. And that's why she calls him daddy...he's her hero and he protects her. that's what daddy's do.

  21. What a wonderful son you have raised, and what a great dad he is. Making me smile on this lazy morning of mine. :)

  22. Brilliant! OK, I'm showing this to my daughter! Do you think the Army insignia would do the same?

  23. That is a sweet tender Daddy daughter story! Dad's are really good at telling the kiddos what they need to know to get them to do things. I love he has the flag in her room!

  24. "FATHER KNOWS BEST" still applies in 2011..

    (remember that popular show many moons ago?)

    pretty great idea from your son!!!

  25. How sweet! It just looks complete!
    What a sweet family you have, and some very sweet people that love you so much.


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