Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's been awhile since I've done my TT post.  I used to be so faithful at it, but then I don't know what happened.

The past 24 hours have been a challenge.  Won't be posting about it.  Please don't ask.  But it has given me the opportunity to decide whether I am going to wallow in sadness or dry my face and move forward.
I choose to move forward.
With happiness, gratitude, and optimism.

A girl can never have too many besties.  I am thankful for my girls who listen to me even when they don't speak cry-ese and likely don't understand a word that I am wailing saying.

I am thankful for my Splenda Daddy.  Serio - the dude is a solid rock full of wisdom, patience and a calming spirit.

I am thankful for my sons.  I am grateful that we can talk, advise, and comfort one another as adults.  It's kind of nice being on the other end of the mothering spectrum - even though you really never stop being the Mom.

I am thankful for Puffs plus lotion.  If I didn't splurge for that little luxury, my nose would be raw.

So what you are thankful for?


  1. I am glad to hear that you choose to move forward. You'll win the battle!

    I am thankful that when I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, feeling sad an overwhelmed, that it is not as bad as it could be, ... (and it is most likely pms)...

    Sending long-distance hugs to you!!

  2. I am thankful that you got through 'whatever crises you experienced' with happiness, gratitude and optimism.
    I'll try and follow that example.
    good examples
    makes me grateful

  3. I am concerned for you. You have been there for me when I needed a lift in spirit; I would like to do the same.

    Call me. If not, you know I will bug you tomorrow. Have a good night. It will look better in the morning.

    I am thankful for having you as a friend. You matter, love you!

  4. Well.. now I have a whole " I wonder if..." going on in my head.

    Since your not going to share.. then I guess I'll just have to pray for ya. I hope you can find some comfort.

    Love your thankful list. XO

  5. What?! Who is doing this to you? I will beat them up (nicely, of course)

    And I am very thankful for my lavender scented/heated rice bag. Very.

  6. I'm sorry my friend! I'm with Ann, you'll be in my prayers tonight for sure!

    I am thankful for friends who I can laugh with, cry with and just be myself with and who encourage me to be better.... you my friend, are definately on that list! Oh, and I'm thankful for a 9 pm Coke run with my sister!

    Keep your chin up! Love ya♥

    PS- Your comment about do I ever take a break?? I guess not, and that is why I'm so dang behind on the blog posts. We actually just got back from a little vaycay (if you can call a trip with kiddos that) to the Happiest Place on Earth, but who knows when I'll actually have time to blog about that!?!?

  7. I feel protective of you and my heart is heavy thinking you are going through tough stuff.
    I am also inspired by your attitude & know you to be a very gracious person.
    Hope tomorrow is a great day & things go your way.
    I also wish we were neighbors so I could bring you some skittles & a diet coke (caffeine free w/vanilla)

  8. I love you!
    I'm a cryer, so I won't call.
    I love you.

    But seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My verification word:

    I think that could be the coolest swearword ever!

  9. I am not sure where I would be with out great friends shoulders to sob on. Hope things get better quickly!

  10. just big hugs for this one (((:)))

  11. So sorry that things aren't great right now, but you always inspire me with your positive attitude and courage to move on.

  12. I am sorry you had a challenging 24 hours! I will pray that it will get better! It already is by you moving forward! You are amazing!

    I am grateful for my Dad too! I love my dad!

    I am grateful for my little family I have!

  13. Sorry. I hurt when you hurt. Even when I don't know why you're hurting. Love you.

  14. Oh no...sad to here this - but you are a trouper -- keep moving forward...

  15. That moving forward. That's hard stuff. ((hugs)) I'm glad you have your Splenda daddy and your sons there for you. Family is so, so important.

    I'm Thankful for posts like yours...that remind me to be thankful.

  16. Sorry for your tough times. Glad you are thanking your way out of it. Puffs plus lotion sounds pretty darned incredible.

  17. I am Thankful for Motrin!
    I am experiencing Killer Cramps! LOL


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