Monday, November 29, 2010

Sissy's early Christmas present

No one can ever say that little Miss Sissy is lacking from love.

Check out what her Mommy surprised her with last week -

Brody von Drake
Named in part after our own beloved Freakshow Kasey Von Drake.
Brody looks JUST like him as a puppy.  So cute!

Sissy LOVES him!

Jordan isn't all that thrilled but she is friendly and welcoming.  Stinking thing is making us just that much more puppy hungry.  And believe you me, I have been looking.  Checking KSL ads every day.....trying to find just the right one........

For now, we'll enjoy Brody when he comes to visit


  1. How cute! I have puppy fever too...Dr. Hubby has baby fever...I think the dog will win!

  2. Em, what in the heck are you thinking????
    Look at Sissy's puppy and then walk away.
    My heck, you might as well get preggers right now. Don't even finish reading this post. Just go get pregnant.
    Puppies are work! Do ya hear me?
    At least you can put a diaper on a baby.

  3. Awe... A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!!! Lucky little Sissy!

  4. Cuteness! I love that pic of her holding him and that smile!

  5. Oh my gosh - I love puppies. What a wonderful gift for that cute little sweetie!

  6. Pretty darned adorable! Jordan looks about as happy as it gets.

  7. OMG!! so precious. I have never had a dog but I swear I'm getting a hankering lately. Posts like this do not help ;-)

  8. puppy fever here too!!

    I am so ready to dive into the doggie world.

    Sissy is one lucky girl.

  9. Awwww, I wish Griffey was still that little.

    Apparently we are getting another dog this spring. Great.

  10. I am not even puppy hungry but now me wants a Brody after seeing these pics! What two cuties you hsve there!!

  11. Oh my God such a cute puppy! I wish I had one just like this, I would never leave him alone or even out of my hands haha


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