Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Marine Marine Weekend - part Quatro

Rain Rain Go Away
You have ruined our entire day!

Okay, maybe not the ENTIRE day, but it certainly screwed our plans in a huge way.  Watching the weather forecasts, it was due to rain all.day.long.  There looked to be a break for a couple of hours in the mid afternoon, but not enough time to make it worth the money for Sea World.  I think I was more disappointed than Sissy was.  She was happy to jump back and forth from bed to bed.  Back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth.

When they warned us that our Marine would be hungry, they weren't kidding.  We headed out to O'Hungry's for breakfast. 

Some breakfast serenading - yes amigo, I know you play for tips, I need some cash. Uno momento por favor...

If there was food left on a plate.....
he ate it!

Rain was coming down pretty hard, so we ran back to the hotel room and lounged around trying to think of things to do.  We looked for indoor attractions that would be fun for everyone but didn't find much.  There was an aquarium, but it looked to be similar to the one we have at home, so we figured why spend the money.

Early afternoon, it eased up a bit so we headed to the USS Midway.  Splenda and I had been there before, but it was most def worth a second trip.

We walked into the hangar and was met with loud music and a party atmosphere.  Who knew that we happened to go there during the hours that the Marine's were kicking off this

There were vendors, a bounce house and even Santa.  Sissy was having NONE of Santa - but while she enjoyed the bounce house - I was playing around with the gear

She REALLY liked the flight simulator!

The rain had lightened to a drizzle so we ventured out on the flight deck and checked out the view of the bay, the other carriers that were docked and of course the cool aircraft on board.

We made our way back to the hotel and after getting Tuffy who had stayed behind sleeping (getting sick), we found an Italian restaurant that was fantastic.

Called it an early night since the boys were planning on leaving at the butt crack of dawn for the long drive home.


  1. Damn rain. I almost cried for you when I read on FB that it was raining.

  2. YaY! He looks so handsome and military-ish!!!

  3. Any place called O'Hungry's has to be good!

    Sorry the weather didn't cooperate. :(

    That sucks!


Lay it on me....